Pedantic nit: this thing doesn’t have three folds, the name is nonsense.
Bifold means something that folds into two parts. Consider the bifold wallet or bifold door.
do not want. want removable and replaceable batteries and storage, also a headphone jack because fuck you.
I like removable batteries, but I like waterproofness combined with thin more.
Easily serviceable batteries are a great compromise IMO.
Motorola has ⅔ of that on many models.
Removable battery not an option though.
Is it stupid? Yes! Yes it is certainly. But I’s it fucking stupid? It certainly is fucking.
I pick the category 'Things no one Asked For", for $25 Mr. Trebek.
Someone said the same about touchscreen when you were still a kid. If you don’t want it, don’t buy it.
I was an adult when touch screens properly took off, and I doubt this is in the same league.
There was some practical purpose to touch screens, whereas this thing is just unnecessary. I doubt it would have the same effect.
Having a phone that can turn into an iPad is probably going to get some use.
There is practical purpose to a touchscreen, the fact that short sighted people couldn’t see its usefulness is my actual point.
This is dumb and stupid