Where can I apply for an Haitian neighbor?
“My trip to the Caribbean was great, but do not eat their terrible food.” – No one.
I tease my brothers about this all the time. They moved to the Midwest a couple decades ago and their tolerance for spiciness has gone way down. We also get into frequent disagreements about whether The Outback is a good steak house, Red Lobster serves good seafood, or Olive Garden is high quality authentic Italian. We also disagree about the existence of restaurants that are not national chains
I live in Little Haiti, Brooklyn and can confirm the food around here is some of the best in the city also everyone knows everyone in my building and my block. It’s very much not the norm for New Yorkers. But Haitians, and Caribbean people as a whole, are very community oriented and it’s pretty much impossible not to get entwined with the families you live around. I go to BBQs in front of my building and always get a plate brought up if someone’s having a party. I speak French to some of my neighbors and one friend particularly enjoyes it because she said it reminds her of home, albeit I don’t exactly speak the same French she does haha.
I have no clue why anyone would shit talk Haitians, they’re literally some of the best neighbors I’ve ever had. I mean I know why, Haiti was the first black independent post colony so they’ve been subjected to some particularly really shitty racist attacks historically. Just sucks though, they’re exactly the people who should be citizens of our country.
I’ll also volunteer to “inspect” the food. I vow I’ll try every plate until I find something
That rice looks delicious
It all looks delicious. I’d eat any of the non-fish items (I like crustaceans, but I’m not a fan of most fish, especially oily fish).
I specifically pointed out the rice because it looks vegan; wasn’t sure about the other dishes but yea they all look pretty good
There might be some form of a animal fat, it’s not uncommon to saute rice before simmering in liquid, and extremely common for that liquid to be stock. My money is on a seasoned stock for that color.
Odd. Thought they grabbed dogs like Saturn eating his son.
The huge industrial dog farming operations in Haiti are a sad sight to see.
No, you’re confusing them with JD Vance:
American conservatives are still malding out because they don’t think black migrants should be allowed access to food.
I really appreciate that we’re aggregating this information and starting to call out racist bullshit like this in the media.
I haven’t watched or read any actual news in a while because it was obvious to me that they’re only reporting on stuff they want to report on.
It always boiled my blood when they’re talking about irrelevant shit and the stats say that in the past hour there have been x crashes, y deaths, and z other serious issues that have happened.
It annoyed me when they would make headline news stories about commonplace things like “82 year old grandmother died of old age”… When there’s war, famine and death from not “natural causes” happening continually. They’d lengthen the story with interviews of people that knew the person, and interviews with old folks asking “what’s the secret to a long life” and get bullshit answers from them.
Who cares? Why are you taking time and attention away from the people who have been shot and killed because the government sent them overseas to fight for the profits of some oil company that wants to rape another country of its natural resources? All those people killed… FOR THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR.
Then I remember, they get funding from those oil tycoons. They’ve been bought and paid for. The whole thing is corrupt and idiotic.
Turns out, they DON’T have that dog in them
It was nice of them to resurrect the cat as a zombie and put it back in that lady’s house like it had never been gone!
That’s what you think. The truth is that Ms. Sassy framed the lady. She hid in the basement with a burner phone and hacked into the lady’s Facebook account to accuse Haitians of eating her.
And that’s why she was named Ms. Sassy.