Image transcription:
Computer science terms that sound like fantasy RPG abilities
I’ll start:
- Firewall
- Virtual Memory
- Single source of truth
- Lossless Compression (this one sounds really powerful for some reason)
Your turn
Hard mode: Try not to include closer to domain-specific things like javascript library names
I am a level 17 Install Wizard.
Installation Wizard - A wizard hired to protect a specific building or location.
Roll for intelligence… 16. The progress of the one hit BEG killing spell is 33%
<many turns later>
Roll for intelligence… 3. The progress of the one hit BEG killing spell is 96%. That’s the only action you can take on your turn. You better hope the party can stop the army from hitting the power source of this spell before it finishes.
Roll for intelligence… 5. Since that would be more than 100 the progress of the spell rolls back to 91%.
- Bootloader
- Filesystem
- Reboot
- Printer (that’s the end boss)
- sudo
- Container
- Virtual Machine
- Fail over
- Backup
- Restore
Private Void NULL
git clone