I’m not the world’s most social butterfly and people’s dependence on LLMs still makes me want to put my forehead through this relatively solid desk.
Save your forehead and desk, this is referring to “chat” as the viewers of their “stream”. Streamers say this kind of thing and their viewers respond through the chat feature.
Yeah like I told the other one that doesn’t make me feel better. I think I’m too young to start having a ‘you dang kids’ moment though.
I’m going to go with “the like isn’t reciprocated.” Lol
Chad Thundercock
Chat Thundercope
I have no idea what any of this says.
Rizz = charisma.
Chat = usually an audience watching a stream and adding messages to the chat.
Am I cooked = Have I ruined it.
Clip that = Create a short clip of whatever just happened.
Disclaimer: I’m old so might not be 100 on all these.
Yeah. I’m so old I STILL don’t get it.
“Is that charisma?” That makes no grammatical sense at all.
“Is what was just sent to me charismatic or not, third party acting as my friends giving advice?”
My kids are just toddlers but I’m so pumped to embarrass them with dad-attempts-cool-talk.