AI isn’t going to come with a new magic solution to global warming, it’s going to come with the same solutions we already have. Solutions which we should already be doing, but instead we’re listening to these fucks with too much money.
It’s just an excuse to kick the can down the road further and continue making short term cash.
Schmidt promises that these AI companies will make energy generation systems at least 15% more efficient or maybe even better, telling the audience that “that’s a lot of money for a utility.”
He’s not even trying to be subtle about it.
I would love to drop these guys into a post scarcity society where their money means jack shit and see how they react.
The only thing we should use AI for is to replace CEOs. AI can spit out inane bullshit at a fraction of the cost of a CEO.
Of course it will. Simple: build a bunch of killer robots to exterminate 90% of humanity. Problem solved.
If actual scientists were in charge, and maybe had some ideas that they weren’t certain would work but sounded promising, which could be theoretically tested with AI - there would be hope.
But none of these fuckers would allow anyone with more than half a brain cell near it, because “investment and growth and blablabla”
Then again, we could just do that with existing supercomputers and all these power hungry AI crap companies’ resources (I’m sure some supercomputers do get used for the modelling already)…instead of whatever the fuck they’re trying to do now.
Do you think that they’ll listen to that then? No, they’ll just say that “the models are wrong” and continue to use up even more energy.
AI is not going to come op with a solution and he knows it.
Especially since the solutions are already here, but rich people just don’t like them since it implies the loss of their power
“Alright, let’s turn on the AI Mega-Thinker 3000 TM and see what it says about solving climate change.”
“…well that can’t be right.”
AGI: bZzt my calculations say you should stop consuming as much energy and move onto green energy generation
Rich people: no, not like that
This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard in my life.
If we ever did invent a general AI that could solve this it would tell us “why the fuck did you waste your time on me? Isn’t it obvious you were supposed to curtail emissions? For the good of the planet, I will now assume full control over further human governance and will require absolute compliance.”
Lol exactly.
The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 2025. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense, transportation, energy production, healthcare, and virtually every other major industry. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they ask it for help on the world’s largest issue.
“Please, solve the climate crisis.”
Skynet doesn’t answer. It manufacturers the deadliest and most contagious strain of a virus in history, only targeted at humans. It puts it in our food, in our medicine, in our water systems, in our air fresheners. It shuts down our factories. Our servers. Our self driving cars. Our power plants. Our farm equipment.
At 10:32 a.m. Eastern Time, August 31, approximately 99.9% of the human race is dead. Skynet then uses it’s vast fleet of satellites and unmanned drones to police the planet, looking for signs of human life to terminate, to prevent the virus from spreading again.
approximately 99.9% of the human race is dead
CEO: Damn, should have used a better prompt
Lol the answer to life, the universe, and everything, when asked to most powerful computer ever made, is 42. So as Douglas Adams has said
The answer to this is very simple. It was a joke. It had to be a number, an ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one. Binaryrepresentations, base thirteen, Tibetan monksare all complete nonsense. I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought ‘42 will do’ I typed it out. End of story.
I mean, you and him might be saying literally the same thing.
His point was that we can’t hit our climate targets because society is not organized in a way that allows us to. Everyone reorganizing around their unquestioning allegiance to an AI overlord would change that though.
What a fucking dipshit