Slavic Afghanistan. A sinkhole for foreign aid and CIA-front NGOs
Is modern-day taliban-controlled Afghanistan a sinkhole for foreign aid and CIA-front NGOs? I have a shallow understanding of Afghanistan and I thought that Amerikkka just said “fuck this shit” and succumbed to the graveyard of empires.
They’ll get some foreign aid money and will immediately be siphoned off by organizations and individuals with power coming directly from western capital.
Parts of it will just be uninhabitable for generations
The brain drain will continue and now a bunch of them will be addled by war experience with the worst being actual fascist soldiers that will probably end up doing “security” aka PMC merc shit in places like Africa
this guy will either retire and become an irritating celebrity of sorts or he becomes inconvenient for the true power and they pull the trigger on a corruption trial and put him in jail
These are my best guesses so far!
The Russian part goes to Russia and the Ukrainian part goes to BlackRock
Europe and American capital will vampire and leech it dry. Will Ukraine ever mass enough people to understand how much the US and NATO fucked it over? Don’t know. There’s going to be some blowback incident.
Russia will keep the territories. US and Europe will never forgive it and build weapon factories to amass new weaponry to attempt to WW3 it against Russia to again try to fracture it in 2040 to deny the after-boomers a peace dividend. 20 more years of indoctrinating the next wave of sacrifice fodder for it after all the military aged capable people are wiped damaged. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.
continuous brain drains and amazon transport hubs in the country to send treats to Russia
Thankfully, I don’t think Russia will need those western treats. They’re doing well enough producing their own or buying from the global majority now.
eh, I’ve wait and see once the war is ‘‘over’’ and the west normalize with Russia again