Edit for readability:
Lower ranking is better, as in “rank 1” would be the best movie rated by that group.
The top section shows movies highly ranked by women, but lower for men. The bottom section is the reverse.
I’m just sitting here wondering what kind of goddamned animal ranked Blade Runner 2049 and not the original. Like, really?
Seems like men prefer movies that fail the Bechdel-Wallace test.
15 Movies from the lower list fail. 5 movies pass: Dangal, Unforgiven, M, Blade Runner 2049 and Double Indeminity.
From the upper list, 19 movies pass. Brokeback Mountain fails.
American Pie 2 passes that test, for anyone who thinks passing it actually means anything, lol.
The lower list was women preferred, though…
EDIT: No, sorry, higher number means worse lol mb
It’s not women prefered, it’s women liked much more than men. It’s not about real preferences, it’s about the greatest differences.
Its not that they preferred it but that they (definition of the term preferred) it.
Holy shit, the dates on these!
Old movies are men’s favorites, new movies are women’s favorites.
Maybe this tracks well with the political polarization, rise of fascism, etc: the past was a man’s world, and women hated it, the present is a woman’s world, or at least parts of it arr, and men hate it, so there are angry men all over trying to turn the clock back to the days when men were men and women were unhappy.
Yeah it’s just movies, but they are a product of and reflect the changes in culture.
All things being equal, two of the movies in the men’s list are in the top 100 for men. It’s not so much that men like old movies but of the old movies that men rank in the hundreds, women don’t like those.
Who knows what men and women’s “number one” movie is and what the Delta is there.
If someone asked you to name your top 100 ~ 150 movies but not the top 100, you’d be confused and just throw some shit up there that you vaguely recall looking. Like, I’d probably be scraping the bottom of the barrel by the time I got to sixty, let alone one hundred. This chart by no means represents a longing for male dominated classic cinema - just that men recall liking things that are regarded as classic. This chart just says that men don’t like The Blindside and they’re right for that.
Is lower or higher better in the ranking?
Gender rank, I think, is how high in the list they’d put the movies with 1 being the best movie.
So, a movie that women rank 40 and men rank 400 means women liked it much more—delta of 360.
The far left Rank is the one with the biggest delta for depending on gender preference. The top list is female preferred, bottom male preferred.
I had the rankings system backwards and came to the conclusion that women are haters. I guess men are haters.
Really though, since this isn’t a matter of giving bad scores to things, it’s not really haterade.