I love the democracy vs. republic talking point on the conservative side. It’s not new, I first encountered it in 2005.
“We’re not a rectangle you idiot, We’re a square!!!” -every conservative dumbass
I didn’t see it until later, but yeah, it’s been around for years. It crops up every now and then from right-wingers trying to test the waters for being overtly anti-democracy. What I found scary was how much more common it got, and at higher levels. I remember a fucking senator repeating that line.
I also use the square vs. rectangle analogy. Granted, we’re not going to convince fascists acting in bad faith, but it plays to an audience.
You assume that any GOP is going to see the whole clip.
Remember Paul Ryan? He was pushing a video of him ‘destroying’ then President Obama.
Ryan’s clip showed him asking Obama a question and Obama looking mildly perturbed.
What the clip didn’t show was Obama answering every point.
I hope every shit he takes for the rest of his life has a hard corner and scratches the whole way out.
All the republicans/conservatives have as arguments are empty one liners that project their fears and at the same time reveal who they really are.
Because front line Republicans are just parroting what they heard from their leaders.
Source: I used to be such a Republican
It’s a bit of a long story and probably would reveal a bit more than I’m comfortable with.
TL;DL: I started to realize that the Christians I was hanging around didn’t actually care about the political issues they said they did.
2016 was the first election where I didn’t vote Republican. 2018 was the first election I voted Democrat down the line. 2020 was the first election I donated, supported, and campaigned for a democratic candidate (Bernie).
This was like seal clubbing. Anyone have the actual full debate? I’d like to skip through it.
It’s absolutely not worth it but someone linked below.
It’s the typical scream over the other person “conversation” that unregulated conversations turn into when facts don’t align with reality