I’m talking rule 34 content, mods, and games designed to be used as wank material.
I’d say mine is Hotel Harem. It’s a lewd game that’s still in development that has been around for a while.
I was struggling to think of what specific character I’ve masturbated to the most but then I realized it’s definitely Tifa Lockhart despite me never playing Final Fantasy VII.
Yeah Tifa would easily be the reigning rule34 champ for me too lol. So much great content of her out there. For games maybe Eternum or Projekt: Passion, but for both of these I enjoy them more for the story and characters than the outright sexy stuff.
Definitely Corruption of Champions. I still have a copy I fire up every now and then.
The sequel is alright as well, but doesn’t quite scratch the same itch.
Everyone in this thread struggling not to say Overwatch so they seem quirky and interesting.
You don’t have to admit you play the game, just with yourself.
That’s… Probably more true than I’d like to admit.
On a relevant tanget, I think my favorite review for Overwatch 2 come from steam user Spaulding:
The people who make Overwatch porn work harder than the people who make Overwatch
(source) its just such a delightful burn in such a small package…
Third Crisis. It was in development for quite sometime through a Patreon, but the game was completed, and you can find it on Steam nowadays.