Looks like a swell game to me!
Honestly graphics aren’t really that important compared to the gameplay. Games such as those in the UFO 50 collection are a really good example of that. Also if you actually want a quality god vs satan game with old school graphics then I highly recommend Grimstone.
I 💯 went through this disappointment. I used to also love looking at a game’s concept art because they always looked so much cooler and atmospheric than the game. I remember the inflection point clearly. I was playing Mass Effect 3 and walking around the citadel wards/docks, with it’s beautifully detailed textures, evocative colours, and painterly lightshafts, feeling absolutely enthralled, and thinking “Holy shit, they’ve finally done it, the gameplay looks better than the box/concept art.”
I can’t research it at the moment, but I want to say that was a common thing in the pre-NES days, and I think Nintendo required actual gameplay graphics to be shown on the box because of that.
Could be off on the specifics, but I do vaguely recall those kinds of non-representative box art having some controversy.
Maybe they got a pass if the in-game graphics were better than the box art? 😆
What do you mean? This is the greatest art in the history of art. It makes me FEEL something. Those in game graphics don’t make me feel at all.
Nintendo of America often used pixel art for their own box art early on in the NES era. It was similar to the in game graphics, but usually more detailed. See Metroid’s original artwork. If there was a requirement for third parties, perhaps it could be met by simply including screenshots on the back.