Feel like a good sponge costume would allow you to pee right where you are.
I got the “Robert Sponge Rectangle Slacks” version from Spirit Halloween… but it doesn’t hold water when pissing myself :(
I guess it depends on what kind of sponge, but I think in all likelihood since most sponges have no symmetry that this comes down to the same politics as an agender person choosing a bathroom.
Flounders are not bilaterally symmetrical.
He can’t understand you, dude.
re no
t bila
y sym
In the tree of life, flounders are a sub-sub-…-sub-species of bilaterally symmetrical animals: https://www.onezoom.org/life/@Holozoa=5246131?otthome=%40_ozid%3D1&highlight=path%3A%40Apionichthys_finis%3D3640785&highlight=path%3A%40Bilateria%3D117569#x2913,y-2310,w8.2796
Edit: let me preemptively be a pedant to myself and say that “sub-…-species” is wrong because “bilaterally symmetrical animals” is not a species. Flounder is itself a species AFAIK, not a sub-species of anything. It is a descendant of the common ancestor of all bilaterally symmetrical animals. There, now surely no one will find anything to be pedantic about :D
I appreciate that information. However, flounders themselves are not bilaterally symmetrical. I have caught many dozens of them and it’s pretty easy to tell that they are not.
Flounders are born symmetrical; eye migration happens as they transition to the juvenile stage of growth.
Pretty sure from my B- in zoo that sponges eat from what amounts to our waste hole.
So you are supposed to piss in the punchbowl and drink from the toilette.
They are a single orifice kind of animal. Take a gulp of sea water, sift oit the goodies, and expel the rest