How close was it?
I stepped on some Lego 😧
I was going 45 mph on a main road, when an 18 year old trying to show off for his girlfriend, blew threw a stop sign on a residential road and t-boned me going 80 mph. I was one of the luckier victims, with emergency surgery, fractures and breaks everywhere, loss of use of two fingers, and nerve damage in all of my limbs.
The driver’s girlfriend did not survive, and my coworker, who was in the car with me, had every rib shatter and his spine broken. 3 years later, he’s still on oxy (he had to get special approval and prove that it wasn’t addiction).
I don’t remember the crash itself, but I remember a fire and waking up to my coworker covered in blood, screaming and delirious. I remember falling in and out of conciousness while I was moved from room to room to get emergency care for the next 3 days. Most of all, I remember the relief at hearing my coworker’s voice after 4 days, now knowing that he was still alive.
I have died 3 times. I was a very premature birth and spent my first year in nicu. My mother told me I had died 3 time and been brought back. I had independent verification from my aunt but no documentation for proof.
Almost drowned.
I was just a small kid at swimming lessons (so not deep water). It was the end of the lesson for the day and I was heading back to the locker room. I was the last one I guess. I was using one of those oversized beach towels… and I slipped and fell into the water with the damn towel wrapped around me. I wasnt a good swimmer, panicking, unable to tell which way was up. Not a single person noticed I feel in our heard me. If one of the instructors hadn’t walked out of the locker room when he did and noticed me I would have died. My dad was maybe 20 feet from me chatting up some other parent. But because it’s an old pool in a school, it has this wall that basically prevented anyone in the bleachers from seeing most of the pool (except for the diving board on the far side), so I was drowning in the blind side.
To this day (over 2 decades), my mom and step dad love to bully me about how I had a fear of getting water in my face when I was young afterwards. One of many stories they love to tell!
I can swim, but I still prefer not to.
Glad no one was hurt, but more so glad you took some knowledge away from that. I knew a guy that didn’t work out for. He, his pregnant wife, and daughter are gone now. Only his son survived (with brain damage). All because he was speeding, tried to pass a semi only to meet an on coming semi.