Moisturizer will prevent a lot of face blemishes.
Hormone related acne changes aside, if don’t have other skin / health issues and you’re regularly changing your sheets and clothes, moisturizing will solve a lot of face stuff.
Constant low level exposure to ads and commerce in general is bad for the soul. These voices aren’t your friends, they don’t have your best interests at heart.
Buy ad free services. If they don’t provide ad free, go elsewhere.
Rediscover the joys of ad free, intelligent radio. Start with BBC World Service and BBC Radio 4. There are many others I’m sure.
Exercise matters for your mental health, not just looking good or longevity.
Many times the best way to respond to strong emotions is to just sit with it. Sit and do nothing but experience it. Don’t try to “solve the problem”, don’t shove it down.
It’s a bit abstract, but…
If something feels off or wrong, trust your instinct.