Make our brains FOSS! Why can’t I just tell my brain that now is sleeping time and it will just sleep?!
Meditation is one way of getting control of your brain.
Yoga and Tai Chi is a way of control your brain by focusing on your body.
Recite a mantra is another way.
Daily routines is also an auto-pilot way of getting control of your brain. (This one is good if you have trouble getting asleep(
You can train those methods consciously and understand the mechanics of how the controls work. Once understood and footpaths set (meditation, daily routines), you can switch between these controls if needed. Or force a thought reset (mantra)
It’s not a secret and known since ages. It’s just that people are too lazy to train. And may be prefer the comfortable auto-pilot way of living.
Meditation is one way of getting control of your brain.
I suspect that most people who have a meditation practice would disagree with this assertion.
Meditation only helps me be more aware of what the brain is doing / making me do. I can’t control it and I’d argue that neither can anyone else. Free will in the common sense is an illusion.
It’s also accurate in that I’m about to drop it off an 8 story building cause it won’t fucking work right
Ok? Not even close. Safe? Probably. I’m good at choosing not to kill myself, it’s a decision I make a lot
You own your brain…
i don’t know how to break this to you, but you are your brain.
You don’t own your brain, you are the brain. Your conciousness is literally a process of the brain’s proprietary code.
Your conciousness is literally a process of the brain’s proprietary code.
It’s a likely hypothesis but we don’t know that for sure. There’s zero evidence of consciousness outside of your subjective experience of it. We don’t know what it is and how it emerges.
You aren’t real and are just a projection by my brain!
/s lol, #solipcism
I may not be real in the physical sense but the fact that it feels like something to be is the only thing in the entire universe that I have zero doubt about.
Because self control is an empty concept.
Does a thermostat control itself? No, it controls the furnace and air conditioner.