What fonts are you currently using on your system? Which do you think is best for the terminal or for your desktop environment?
(updates) Ok I think I’m a fan of Ubuntu nerd fonts right now
I find comic sans mono actually looks surprisingly nice for coding and terminal.
Lato, League Spartan, League Gothic are my three most used fonts by a wide margin. Lato and its variety of weights for most things, League when I am doing design work and need a cleaner title or header.
Lately ive been weirdly taken with TT2020 Style G, which is an odd name for a no-name font that replicates an old imperfect typewriter. For whatever reason, switching my writing software to that (Manuscript) suddenly fired up my writing flow.
I don’t have a reason to move away from the Fedora defaults except for monospaced fonts.
Terminal wise, terminus is my default. It’s so clean, and it looks good without anti-aliasing.
Roboto Mono is my current preference for monospaced fonts.
Adobe Source Code Pro and JetBrains Mono are good alternatives as well.
Ubuntu Mono for terminal, code, and data, Open Sans for the rest