It’s so sad that no one has read the fucking Bible.
Many self proclaimed Christians have not read the Bible , and are appallingly ignorant of the bulk of it.
And when they do know the stories like the good Samaritan, they don’t live it.
Wealthy Christians should not exist.
“Many self proclaimed Christians have not read the Bible , and are appallingly ignorant of the bulk of it.”
Yeah, no kidding. A good example: Watch this clip from 3:52 to 4:05:
(here’s what was said if you don’t want to watch it, but watching it is much funnier than reading it:
Magat Lady: I think it is time where God is separatin’ the sheeps from the goats.
Donie: Which are you?
Magat Lady: I am a, uh … I’m a goat! ‘Cause I ain’t a sheep! I’m not doin’ what they tell me to do!
Donie: Hm.
I so so much wanted Donie (the interviewer) to go “Bzzzzzzzzzt!” I’m sorry, the answer was ‘sheep’. ‘Sheep’ is what God was looking for there. I’m afraid you’ve been disqualified."
There’s good along with the bad. A lot has to do with what translation you’re looking at, and from what context. It’s definitely ideally more like food for thought than explicit infallible instructions, though.
It is particularly galling that basically the me main reoccurring themes, are also the most studiously ignored lesson, which in my opinion are “mind your own business, be as kind as you can, and you are not qualified to judge people.” Republicans essentially behave in the complete opposite manor.
Dude it’s probably the most important and influential text of the western world. Everyone should read just to understand how it informs our current context. Not believing the bible and urging people to not read it is a similar level of ignorance to someone who believes in it and has never read it.
This is a ridiculous claim. Reading stories about how god and the devil trick a dude into committing incest or how humans used to be 10 ft tall and live a thousand years before a divine flood wiped out all the non-believers isn’t at all necessary.
It’s entirely possible to have a cogent understanding of western politics without delving into the depths of the mythology. You’d be far better off spending your time reading legitimate political literature or doing irl stuff.
I mean, most Christians haven’t and they still exist. The only people I know who’ve read the whole thing are now 1) Not religious, or 2) Actively working in a church.
yep once you really understand the incoherent contradictory mess in its entirety you only have two options. Accept it as flawed human writings, or double down into esoterica and live inside the contradiction. You can’t really be a normie Christian at that point, since modern whitewashed christianity is so alien to the bible itself.
Not even the Bible. Have these people seriously not heard the words him and her prior to three years ago? Do they really think they are new words?
I mean perhaps we shouldn’t steelman these people but that is obviously not what they’re talking about when they complain about pronouns. But at the same time it’s quite possible that many of them are seeing the word “pronoun” for the first time in their lives and have no concept of what it actually means.
As a progressive Christian, that’s something I want to say almost everytime I read somethung written by an Evangelical.
I am not religious, but I have devoted a good chunk of time to reading the bible. If I can do it, someone who essentially stands to gain nothing by reading it can do it, so can and should all these greasy-ass politicians who use it as a political prop. The only thing more irksome than inflexibly, overly literal religious people, are phony religious people who don’t even know what they’re talking about. And then the next level of annoying beyond that is yhe voting public who allows the charade. They should be the ones pressing these politicians. “Two Corinthians” Donald? What the fuck are you talking about?
“I am hee hee” - Michael Jackson
silly? sure… poor taste? idk, this is c/facepalm, not some theology discussion forum
“I am He”
- Jesus
--John 18:5
Every time I see a bumper sticker that says “What Would Jesus Do?” or the shorter “WWJD?”…
I’m like “Well he wouldn’t have drove a car for one, they didn’t even exist.”
He had a Honda, but didn’t like to talk about it.
“For I did not speak of my own Accord” - John 12:49
My guess is it was probably slightly dinged with a coffee can muffler with a “co-exist” bumper sticker, and missing a hubcap.
All these people saying Jesus is my copilot or asking him to take the wheel neglect the fact that he would be a terrible driver and had like no sense of direction. Dude couldn’t even stay dead right.
Not only did Jesus use pronouns, but tradition dictates that we go so far as to capitalize His pronouns.