That’s what my guy at Cargill is for!
…or they just saw a minority. Similar look!
What do you mean all this nitrogen I’m putting down is burning my crops? I been doing it the same way for thirty-odds years.
dumb city folk don’t know what they talk about
Dumb city folk think farmers don’t understand science.
Without looking it up, what’s silage, what’s it for, how does it work. Go.
A lot of that knowledge is passed on between generations, and was trial and error, rather than formal training.
Silage is fermenting crops under an oxygen deficiency(this is crucial to stop the crops from rotting) to preserve the gras. Its basically an upscaled version of making sauerkraut.
Easy as that.
But yeah, this devinetively isn’t something everyone knows and also most people will never need this in their lives.
Cool challenge
Anaerobically fermented grass, it’s cattle feed for the winter, it ferments under covers without (much) air getting to it, that way it also doesn’t rot.
I think. But I’m a network engineer so that could be wrong. It’s just what I think I heard in some random source I don’t remember.
The extension life
Honestly, they already know – most farmers these days have college degrees in soil science or agribusiness or horticulture or whatever. After all, most farms are owned by Big Ag and they’ve presumably got the same “we just immediately shred your resume if you don’t have at least a bachelor’s, whether the job actually needs it or not” applicant gatekeeping standards as the rest of corporate America.
If they’re not doing the sustainable thing it’s not because they’re ignorant, it’s because it’s less profitable than the unsustainable thing and they’re choosing the shortsighted option on purpose.
An ag class is where is finally understood what the quadratic equation was for.
In 2019, a guy at my work told me that his cousin, who was significantly more rural than him, was working on plotting all his fields with drones so he could could largely automate harvesting as well as engage in targeted fertilizing, pesticide and herbicide application. Same person also apparently was running a (legal) grow operation out of a big barn that they were trying to make carbon neutral with on-site renewables.
Folks in ‘rural’ trades can be very high tech if they know how it’ll make them money.
A large reason for that is that corporate farms have won out over family farms. The family farms that are still standing have taken similar approaches and there’s been a lot more effort invested in actually learning the science and business as you point out. 30 years ago it was a much different story.
This is AI right, I think I saw this image before in an AI subreddit
Looks like it to me. Something weird is going on with the red shirt’s waistline and where are his arms? Plus the shadows are too harsh for an overcast sky.
Watched an explanation of AI generated images and they pointed out that since the images start with a seed of black and white noise, they (almost) always come out with an even mix of light and dark areas.
Once you see it, AI images are much easier to spot.