All these influencers not posting because of the horrible fires in LA is interesting. They aren’t posting because they know sharing their content (it should be called emptiness) is garbage with something so heart breaking happening. But….its always been garbage, anyone that adds value into the world hasn’t gone dark for the past few days. Nurses are still showing up, teachers, fire fighters, public officials, construction workers, news outlets, cooks, clothing stores….this list could go on & on, you get it…we are still doing our jobs because they add something into our communities. Sarah - just empty, blank.
It’s about time she fades away! Have fun posting Disney birthday pics Birdshit. You fail!
The “I can cook Chili” footage is pretty quick but I can barely see any beans and what looks like carrot and mushrooms??
I haven’t followed TBP on Instagram for a while now but I have been unfortunately curious about her content since she returned home from Los Angeles. That video of L dancing in the window, in that same Frozen dress from yesterday’s video, makes me so sad for her. I hope it’s a video from yesterday? or she is back in that same dress singing the same songs. I know she’s happy, but I really hope they expand this little sweetie’s horizons!
I agree, I hope S. will register her for Junior Kindergarten. I think L. would thrive in that environment and have a wonderful experience!
I am willing to bet that she doesn’t enroll L in regular track school - she pulled that poor sweet sheltered child from daycare because she caught a cold. Literally. Birdshit was beside herself when L caught a cold during her first week at daycare so they pulled her out “it’s for the best” I remember her saying on her stories. That poor kid is so sheltered and secluded and all she knows is Nana K’s house, Disney and the mall.
And again shows just how stupid she is. Kids are meant to get sick to build immunities up against those illnesses. So, when she does get sick, it’s going to be super bad, every single time. But let’s be real, it wasn’t because she got sick. It was because she got sick and it interfered with her life, having to take care of her.
That was such an insane excuse for pulling her out because kids get sick ALLLLLLL the time. Is she gonna pull M out of university because they have a gastro illness running through UofG right now? Like, unfortunately sickness happens, it’s just life. L will NEVER adjust to life this way.
When she pulled her out of daycare for that, it was the first time I ever messaged her and that’s what led me to finding the original Reddit page. I called her out for having no problem taking L to Disney and the mall all the time where there’s germs but the second she gets sick at daycare it’s game over. She got pretty defensive saying “well she never gets sick at those places” like the snooty bitch she is.
Is this family ever not sitting on the sofa? I get having relaxing time (I love relaxing and sitting lol) but they don’t do much to require needing valuable time to relax lol. Like they never seem to go for walks, take L to do things or go do anything errands wise that isn’t the mall for no reason.
Their whole life seems to just be L twirling around the living room infront of the always on tv.
Literally. There’s SO many things they can take this kid to do. They have the money and the time, they just won’t. Even things that don’t cost money. Take her sledding. Make a snowman. Community ice rink. Walk in the arboretum. Or since they have all the money: Funvilla. Art factory. Peekaboo. Tiny town. Bowling. Swimming. Butterfly conservatory. Zoo. Aquarium. Museum. They are literally the laziest people in the world.
Ice skating is a good one especially this time of year, legit never have seen them take her skating and I’m sure she’d enjoy it too but I get the sense she’d enjoy a lot of things and her parents shield her from it all. They’re the LAZIEST parents I’ve ever seen. I can’t even call out just Sarah, it’s Shane too. I get the sense Sarah is embarrassed in public but she’s brought it on herself by being a fraud online 🤷🏻♀️
I’m going to be a first time parent in April and they’re showing me how NOT to be with my kid. I’m already looking forward to taking her for walks and to the library and to the park, etc.
Yep! When she’s not jet setting across the globe on free trips she’s sitting her lazy ass on the couch filming her poor sheltered daughter sing Disney songs. That poor poor kid man
Interesting point about Sarah not liking being in public out and about in her community.
It’s not unusual for influencers to be very different people in public. I know some that are so quiet and reserved compared to their IG personas. The added layer here though is all of her filtering. In public people will see her as her actual self which doesn’t match her filtered self and the whole charade falls apart. Her entire sales pitch is body positivity and a groundswell of regular people calling that out because of crossing paths with her would end the gravy train.
People going to her speaking events,etc have drank the kool-aid, they’re safe for her to be around. Casual ‘Bird-watchers’, not so much.
Congratulations!! At the very least their crap parenting is a good lesson on what not to do!
I get such second-hand embarrassment seeing Shane always lounging and never doing anything. I guess I’m just used to the always-present ‘get up and go’ mentality the dads in my family have always had, but like, don’t you have anything you need to do around the house, for your family, anything? I have never seen a father sit down on the couch/on his phone as much as I have this man
They really do live a life of leisure. My fiancé works long hours all week and could easily just sit his ass on the sofa all weekend bc he earned it but no he always finds a chore or two to do, goes for walks, we do errands, etc. These two seem to have NOTHING to do ever. He definitely doesn’t scream “man of the house” no matter how much she’d love to claim otherwise because he wears a battery daddy shirt 🙄
Day three for L in that princess dress. I love after saying I hope they broaden her horizons she shows her with a guitar today, lol