Happy new year 2025…
I’m 2020 52% of Puerto Ricans who voted said yes to joining the United States as a full fledged state. What about them, they actually want to be a part of this shithole country.
Le Anschluss?
Who cares anymore? Federal government destroyed any idea of patriotism west of Ontario and east of the lower mainland a long time ago. Pursuing “post national state” wankery has consequences.
If the US is willing to adopt a Westminster parliamentary system, the Canadian charter of Rights, official bilingualism (or, well, trilingualism, because Spanish) and give up silly ideas like the 2nd Amendment and life tenure of SC justices, something could be worked out. What do you mean no?
I hope you realize that by posting this ignoramus’ nonsense you are actively a part of the problem.
If you don’t, this is me telling you to stop being an active part of the problem by posting this ignoramus’ nonsense.