Good effing gracious in tired of that click bait, especially regurgitated click bait like this, it was in the news last week, they knew what it was and where it came from, and now suddenly they’re clueless? The only ones clueless are the editors of this garbage.
The article is about new options, as the early reports didn’t convinced some space tracker guys. Yes it’s clickbait, but it collects other opinions.
So while the title is terrible the article itself isn’t.
“I’m not saying it’s aliens, but…”
That looks like a turret ring. Boy those russian tanks do send a turret flying
Since about a week, every orbital origin hypothesis have been debunked and we should consider other explanations.
Looks like the outer ring that you would fit on an industrial scale chemical reactor to rotate it for mixing. So my guess is some illegal chemical activities that went boom.