It’s a choice, just not a choice made by the homeless.
If it’s a legitimate fire, the house has ways of shutting that whole thing down
You know, I’ve heard that quote a lot and it never occurred to me to ask before. What’s the difference between a rape and a legitimate rape? Is there a form to fill out or something?
It’s ultimately just more shit he imagined to be true. He claimed it was a law enforcement term used for reported rapes but law enforcement disagrees it’s a term they use.
But basically he’s saying of you are raped and you report it to law enforcement the body suddenly is able to shut down the ability to pregnancy.
Best outcome is he is really really stupid and was told about the morning after pill they offer with the rape kit and didn’t understand. Probably because his congnitive dissonance as an America Christianity™ kicked in and replaced the science with magic.
It is a choice. An intentional policy choice. Made by our government on behalf of an oligarchy of parasitic oxygen thieves who should all be killed.
But most of yall aren’t ready for that discussion.
The government isn’t a monolith.
Yes, there are oligarchs influencing policies that make a standard of living hell on earth.
There are also great people within the government who are actively trying to improve the state of things.
it’s all about possession of power. the good people working for the feds have to do their good work despite their bosses handing our value over to the greedy parasites
No, it’s all about who possesses money. Corporations got $100 against every one of your puny worthless votes.
Ooh. Me, me, me… I am.
The government doesn’t work for you. You vote then in, sure, but they work for the lobbyists of large corporate interests.
Any policy you want will only pass if the corporations want it to, or they don’t believe it will make a substantive difference in their ability to exploit your labor for profit, and take from you every dime, nickel, and dollar they can. They’ll only keep you happy enough to not revolt, and beyond that, you’re entirely fucked from all angles.
Yes, My friend,
When I was homeless,
I had “chosen” to be disabled,
“chosen” to live in a country where applying for benefits takes years,
“chosen” to live in a country where healthcare costs weren’t covered after I lost my job,
“chosen” to live in a country where the landlord’s profit was more important than my survival.