It’s a choice, just not a choice made by the homeless.
what. what the fuck are you talking about? i was born about as far from LA as it is possible to be and still be a natural born US citizen. but i also pay enough attention to know the burritos they feed kids in schools across the country are made with prison labor in LA.
The average per capita cost come in Los Angeles county in 2023 was $78,302, up from $29,938 according to FRED. Lots of millionaires live in LA, yes, but many poor folks too. Add this to the average cost of a home of ~$950,000 and the privilege seems less likely for those under the median.
Besides, no one deserves to be homeless.
I didn’t realize that Fred had commented on this… I feel like a real egghead now… :whimpers:
I don’t love the implication that those displaced by disaster are somehow different than “normal” houseless people, though I’m sure that wasn’t the intent behind the meme.
Well most of them were living in million dollar plus homes in this case, so they are very different then people who were left homeless in Appalachia due to Helene.
Take a spin around Zillow of the areas that have burned. Only once you get down towards Santa Monica do you see houses below 1mil. Pasadena has more homes under 1mil towards the south, but the majority of both areas are 1mil+ homes.
I think it’s more about “these rich people will finally get some little taste of how hard it is to live without a home.”
Except some of them won’t. Those who are truly wealthy will already have other houses, or be able to buy or rent a temporary home while waiting to rebuild. If they already had empathy they’ll realize how comparably " inconvenient" rather than"desperate" their situation is. The others will whine, and use it as a reason to be even shittier to the homeless.
There’s a lot of people also who aren’t wealthy, they have just owned a house in the Palisades from way back when it wasn’t so expensive, or lived in the trailer park. They too already have attitudes re homeless people, which may or may not evolve.
I think anyone who’s unhoused, it’s the result of a disaster, whether a public or private one.
If it’s a legitimate fire, the house has ways of shutting that whole thing down
You know, I’ve heard that quote a lot and it never occurred to me to ask before. What’s the difference between a rape and a legitimate rape? Is there a form to fill out or something?
It’s ultimately just more shit he imagined to be true. He claimed it was a law enforcement term used for reported rapes but law enforcement disagrees it’s a term they use.
But basically he’s saying of you are raped and you report it to law enforcement the body suddenly is able to shut down the ability to pregnancy.
Best outcome is he is really really stupid and was told about the morning after pill they offer with the rape kit and didn’t understand. Probably because his congnitive dissonance as an America Christianity™ kicked in and replaced the science with magic.