Saw him play recently in Alabama. They were selling this phrase on a shirt. Much to my surprise, that shirt was sold out by the time I went to pick it up. I was pleasantly shocked.
That’s how bands make most of their money in the streaming era and with ticketmaster raking in a big chunk of the ticket sales despite not providing much.
Reading that makes me very happy! I try tell people this whenever I can: there’s hope everywhere in America, no matter how red a state is now it can become blue one day. I was a Trump supporter myself and changed, other people can too! Think about all the people in Alabama who bought that shirt. If they banded together they could change Alabama for the better. Things won’t be instant but perhaps they get a better mayor elected, then a better state representative then send someone better to the House, then one day a better Senator. If we try and work together it can happen!
The only viable solution when Nazis take control of government is violence. There is no reasoning with them, they are not logical.
This is correct, and also, Nazis don’t care about good faith argumentation. They’re explicitly anti-liberal (as in, liberty, freedom) and will only pretend to have these values to try and point out an apparent contradiction (“You believe in rights to speech and democracy, so why are you censoring us?”)
In this video of former white supremacists talking about how they left the ideology, one brings up that on their Nazi website, it was normal and common to argue for points they knew were garbage, like the Great Replacement theory. It’s about power and results, not liberalist idealism.
Violent methods usually aren’t the preferred way of dealing with Nazis (because it’s harder to get a mass movement to join in and support it, and because it’s riskier, legally, which makes it harder to sustain), but it works. It broke up the BUF in Britain, it’s kept the local turds scared to show their faces or reveal their true thoughts (don’t worry, they still usually get revealed by researchers anyway). Violence works. They know it and we know it. But when they’re the government, their violence is now legal.
these values to try and point out an apparent contradiction (“You believe in rights to speech and democracy, so why are you censoring us?”)
Nazis want to take that freedom
Of course, but it’s there now and they’re happy to abuse it. Call them hypocrites all you want, they couldn’t care less.
The violence came from outside the country last time. That’s not happening this time.
I am exercising my 2nd amendment rights, purchasing multiple firearms for multiple purposes and have signed up for classes at a local range. I’m with you, but acknowledge that this part of it feels like a lonely endeavor.
Nazis deserve exactly as much mercy and tolerance as they give to others.
There, the solution!
Repay everyone exactly as much tolerance as they give to you
No, this wording is bad.
I get a lot of tolerance from Nazis, because I’m a big, white, blue eyed, german dude. And I do not intend to give that back, I’ll give them exactly as much tolerance as they give to my ethnic or sexual minority brothers and sisters.
Violence against Nazis isnt the answer, its a question and the answer is always yes.
The paradox of tolerance is a philosophical concept suggesting that if a society extends tolerance to those who are intolerant, it risks enabling the eventual dominance of intolerance, thereby undermining the very principle of tolerance.
In a tolerant society we must be intolerant of intolerance.
Edit - My mistake, I somehow was blind to the first in-.
In a tolerant society we must be intolerant of intolerance.
No we musn’t. The intolerant have broken the social contract and are no longer extended that latitude.