Kde gives me the option to keep my desktop folder, or any other folder, or files linked to that specific activity as my Desktop.
Isn’t the desktop just a place for displaying a picture? People have icons there?
Story time.
I was helping someone at work the other day…
As part of my usual process, I minimized most of what the person was using, because I dgaf what users are actually doing on their computers. I’m only interested in getting the “problem” that they’re complaining about, solved, so I can go home.
When I finished minimizing everything, I shit you not, this person had two full screens of icons on their desktop. I couldn’t help but blurt out “that’s a lot of icons” they went on to describe how they use their desktop as a dumping ground and they clear the whole thing every few months.
Since I couldn’t give a single shit about what they do with their computer, I said something to the effect of “alright”, fixed the unrelated “problem” they had and moved on.
I do the same thing, but mostly because I develop Doom mods for fun and it’s just an easy place to dump sprites and audio files. I can drag a file directly from my desktop to the modding program I use, and then just clean up once I’m finished working on what I’m working on. Otherwise my desktop just has a few shortcuts.
I don’t get how this is easier than just having an explorer window open to a folder with the files where the exposed desktop would be.
But hey, you do you. I’m not about to say that you can’t use your PC like this. I’m not your manager, and you can do what you want.
Whether I “get” it or not is irrelevant.
I do this. It’s the “heap system”. After a couple of months it gets full and I create a folder called “crap” and move everything inside it. After this, the process repeats itself and often leads to folder trees like C:\Users\dh\Desktop\crap\crap2\more crap\crap\important crap\crap.
This usually continues for the life of my computer and then, one day, it just gets wiped because buggered if I know what’s in the crap folder…
Idgaf as long as it isn’t onedrive.
OneDrive can be configured to automatically back up your desktop. So the desktop might be OneDrive
People who use desktop as your unsorted downloads folder, who hurt you?
I use the desktop as a very temporary folder. Because I’ll be annoyed by having stuff on there and will delete them as soon as I don’t need them any more.
My downloads folder has random installers from 2021.