Sen. Blackmon is a Democrat and is pro-choice. This is a bill to highlight the absurdity of restrictive bills being introduced nationwide against women. It is meant to be provocative and is meant to be ridiculed.
Blackmon aims to highlight the double standards in such laws by focusing on men’s roles in reproduction, using satire to provoke discussion on the issue.
As written by Sen. Bradford Blackmon, the bill would make it “unlawful for a person to discharge genetic material without the intent to fertilize an embryo.”
Biology really isn’t my thing, but I think this might make it illegal for a woman to have her period?
DNA is genetic material. If all cells have DNA in their nucleus, then any bodily function is now illegal unless you also get someone pregnant.
But also if they don’t define what embryo, maybe we can all just carry around a can of caviar for safety?
Wow biggest lol I’ve had in years.
It’s ok, I’m trying to cross breed with fish!
Biology is even less of the GOPs thing, you’re definitely fully qualified to have this discussion with them.
The bill was introduced by a pro-choice democrat.
Poe’s Law is in full effect in this comments section; So many people have missed the fact that the bill is hyperbolic on purpose. It’s meant to be sarcastic to poke fun at pro-life republicans, not actually something that has any chance of passing.
The fact that you believed it was real means it was successful in shining a light on pro-lifers’ craziness.
What about my comment makes you think I was talking about this bill’s sponsor? The discussions OP was hesitant about having were needing to be done with people who also know nothing about biology, something forced-birthers struggle with.
I guess “them” could have referenced the sponsor, tying them to an earlier mention of GOP. Sorry for the ambiguity.
In a statement to WLBT News, Blackmon wrote, “All across the country, especially here in Mississippi, the vast majority of bills relating to contraception and/or abortion focus on the woman’s role when men are fifty percent of the equation.
This bill highlights that fact and brings the man’s role into the conversation. People can get up in arms and call it absurd but I can’t say that bothers me.”
So it’s just legislative trolling? Then again, Trump has declared every American a women, so this bill is no longer needed. ; )
Excuse the splooge out of me, WTF?
"As written by Sen. Bradford Blackmon, the bill would make it “unlawful for a person to discharge genetic material without the intent to fertilize an embryo.”
There are also fines involved, the third strike resulting in the loss of $10,000 from the perpetrator."
Not sure how you “fertilize an embryo”, if it’s an embryo, it’s BEEN fertilized for a while now…
Shed hair? Go to jail. Have dandruff? Straight to jail. Cut yourself and bleed? Believe it or not, jail.
This section shall not apply to the discharge of genetic material: Donated or sold to a facility for the purpose of future procedures to fertilize an embryo
Brb, starting an IVF facility. It might not work, and we might only accept donations, but we SWEAR we’re trying to fertilize embryos. Eventually. Someday in the future.