Also, the first class tickets for the train were totally worth it.
Still remember your post months ago asking for advice for moving. I’m happy it worked out for you and your family squid! Hope you guys can settle down soon (I’m sure there’s tons of paper work and other bullshit) and relax!
Hasn’t quite worked out yet. I still need to find a job (but I have interviews lined up) We came over a little early because we were worried that when the deportation start, everyone who can grab the first plane they came out of the US. We might never get out otherwise.
Wish I could help, but I’m not in UK. Nevertheless, I believe in you and keeping my fingers crossed that you find a job quickly.
worried that when the deportation start, everyone who can grab the first plane they came out of the US
The logic is sound. Flights will be snapped up like pandemic loo roll.
Hey, I’m in the same job hunting boat, but I’m in Norway! Good luck on your job quest 😊❤️
Even though you are a relative stranger on the internet its really inspiring to see you do this.
Wait, wait, wait, you can not be pulling this shit!
Are you a flying squid or not?
I keep telling people, we can only fly 30 meters at a time.
Plus, Wonder Woman can fly and she has an invisible jet.
At first I read 30 minutes at a time, and was gonna give you crap for not leapfrogging across the pond. It’s not that big. The one next to me is bigger :P
I’m impressed she’s sleeping. I can’t sleep on airplanes no matter what I take.
Do you not have a biological water jet? What happens if a shark comes swimming up to you?
Land dwellers are weird.
He’s been saying he’d do it.
Squid, proud of you. I did the same but that was 2 years ago
Many would be curious about the path to emigration you took. Have you shared about this anywhere?
Wow! You weren’t kidding.
I’m so glad you got out, you’re one of my favorites.
You’ve joined a time-honored tradition of fleeing fascist governments. o7