I know the joke is supposed to be Dune but I’ve never seen Dune so all that came to mind was Beetlejuice
It’s the more accessible of the two, at least before the remakes. Everyone saw Beetlejuice. Only nerds watched the original Dune.
Source: am old nerd
Bless the Maker and all His Water. Bless the coming and going of Him, May His passing cleanse the world. May He keep the world for his people.
Ah yes beaker that is the exact sound the sandworm makes before devoring its prey.
Upvote for Tremors which has to be the best awful movie I’ve ever seen. Like, so bad it wraps around and becomes great.
There’s actually reams of writing about the original Tremors because it’s actually a really well-scripted and put together movie. There’s not a lot of “nothing happening” scenes. Most of the scenes are either always moving the plot forward or quickly developing the characters while moving the plot forward. There’s just enough breathing room for character development, but the film always keeps its pace. It’s just so tightly scripted and executed for a silly monster movie. It honestly should be mentioned more often alongside The Thing which is similarly tightly structured.
I was thinking about how an episode of Bob’s Burgers is able to have a convoluted but hole-free plot but hundred million dollar movies can’t. And it’s because the budget isn’t a hundred million dollars for Bob’s. So there isn’t a ton of producers trying to put their mark on a big movie they don’t understand at all. No directors being sent of to shoot inconsequential scenes while second unit shoots the stuff the goes into the movie. All that shit.
ShAI Hulud!
Spice must flow baybeee.