I’m an F24 - Do guys find it more or less attractive if a girl is into anal/ass play? And why do u feel that’s the case?
Sorry to ask but… You say you’re F24, but 4 months ago you were F22. So unless you aged rather quickly, or you forgot your real age already at 24, or something is a little bit fishy here…
Hahahaha and she’s definitely interested in these answers and not just posting these questions to increase exposure.
It is no more or less attractive. Just something fun to explore.
There are people all over the spectrum. I find anal with my wife to be super hot. She orgasms really hard from anal. That isn’t the case with everyone. Honestly, if she didn’t love it, it wouldn’t be super high on my list. I get off by getting her off.
Being willing to try new things is admirable and sexy, but so is someone who has boundaries that they can openly and proudly share.
Let a thousand flowers bloom. Everyone’s preferences with a consenting adult are valid and appropriate.
I would say that if the degree of atraction someone has for you depends on you being into anal, that is not the right person for you.
I personally enjoy anal. My partner enjoys it as well. It’s great, we have a lot of fun. My previous partner did not. And that was fine as well.
Do you enjoy anal? Or do you not? If you do, great. If you do not, great.
It’s not a deal breaker for me if a woman is not into it. But if she is into it, it’s a huge plus! Total marriage material!