Two days after he was inaugurated the UN was reporting 92% of residential buildings were damaged and destroyed. The genocide was almost done before Trump got in office and people are still out here pretending Biden was any better.
EDIT: elected -> inaugurated
Biden was [poorly] negotiating peace.
Trump wants to help Israel finish the job.
If you want to stretch words that far Trump is [poorly] negotiating our climate commitments
I’m not stretching anything. Biden did negotiate a ceasefire. He could have done it much sooner if he had cut off the weapons, but a lot of that was on Congress for pushing to keep those congressionally mandated weapon shipments flowing.
Trump is actively working against the climate.
Idiotic comparisons like yours do not help anything.
Stay on message, Democrats! Remember, it wasn’t the Democrats fault for losing, it was those loony leftists for going against the approved narrative of the Democratic Party. The Dems aren’t out of touch or negligent, and Bill Mahr is funny and relevant.
God the comments suck on this post
Well you sure showed those democrats by not voting huh? Like shooting yourself but calling it a win because you got blood on the other guy.
The American left has become so toxic, and splintered into micro groups with special labels who all hate each other and reject each other’s support while blaming each other and calling anyone even slightly right or even left of you an enemy. Meanwhile the right was united while trump and Netanyahu played you all so blatantly and obviously and you all bought it.
Well I’m sure Gazans thank you American leftists for staying home and letting trump win. I’m sure your blaming democrats will make them feel better
Sadly you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. If you’re voting you’re supporting the status quo of the Dems really only listening to corporate backers, if you’re not voting you’re letting the opposition (Trump) have a better chance at office (which he did get). They’re both terrible options, and I’m not sure blaming individuals who are tired of having to fight for the lesser evil instead of a better tomorrow is fair
Are you suggesting that material conditions can be contradictory, moving people to make different, equally rational, decisions for conflicting reasons, rather than just being two camps that define all moral obligations as the opposite of the other?
Someone should look into this
Someone was telling you this shit was going to happen and there was only one way to even have a chance of preventing it. You decided compromise was for losers and are now reaping the rewards of your ill informed, short sighted decision. Why are you whining so much, you got exactly what you were told you would get.
Someone was telling you this shit was going to happen and there was only one way to even have a chance of preventing it
Preventing what? A genocide?
Harris was all on board with it.
Well never know, she’s not the president.
Trump, the guy you enabled, however, Is. And he’s a fucking nightmare.
He wants to displace every Palestinian by force and hand their land to Israel.
Is that what you non-voted for? Take a plane to the Gaza Strip and preach that on a corner, see how well that works out for you.
So did you! You got exactly what we told you was going to happen, yet its our fault it happened. Look at this post! This whining is on your side my dude. I just can’t believe you fools didn’t stop with the brow beating after such a catastrophic loss. Couldn’t do one fraction of a second of self reflection. I was not telling people not to vote for the democrat, but I didn’t hide my real feelings either.
A movement to withhold votes against Democrats has been building for years. the uncommitted movement is ideologically closer to liberal democrats than so called tankies, but Dems threw them under the bus, called them Putin influenced for protesting against a genocide in the only way they knew how. I was fighting for Palestinian liberation in different ways, I don’t really get too involved in electoral politics though I’m active politically. Never was I whining. God what projection.
It really demonstrates the two tendencies of liberalism: good conscientious people who are cool and hate injustice, vs. bloodless defenders of private capital who make noises like they care about justice so they can take power and broker influence.
Get a grip, do some actual criticism of your movement, do better for christs sakes. There wouldn’t be nearly as many communists and anarchists becoming radicalized if democrats were even a little effective. They are the only force that has the power to oppose the fascists and criminals in charge of the republicans. and they blew it, time and time again. Stop blaming the people, the fucking lemmy posters for Christ sakes, and start looking at your party,and namely where they get their funding.
this may require you to read and process information instead of just repeating what some 68 year old millionaire said. Which may take some growth on your part, so maybe hydrate and stretch a little first.
I’m not defending the party, the movement, the history, the people or their choices. I’m pointing out that no one wanted to hold their nose to vote and now we’re all swimming in shit.
Downvote me all you want. No amount of political theory will make the math go away. Every single person who decided to not vote, or to vote for catharsis, was a helping hand pushing Trump’s ass into the oval office.
Yes, the Democrats pissed you off, yes you should have still voted for them.
So… you’re actually saying that your protest successfully got trump elected- in defense of someone accusing you of helping to get trump elected….
Do you think maybe there can be more than one source of culpability for things in this universe?
I think the problem is so many people trying to politically point score by whitewashing a bunch of Genociders by using the actions of a new bunch of Genociders.
“Yeah, but our guys’ mass murdering of children was all fairies and unicorns shitting rainbows from their arses whilst those other guys’ Genocide is all dark and shit” isn’t the Grand Principled argument the tribalists seem to think it is.
It’s kind of understandable that anybody with enough Principle in their bodies to trump tribalism is a “little” peeved at people excusing any group of willful and eager collaborators in the mass murder of children, be it the previous bunch or the new bunch.
Seems like the problem in this thread is a bunch of people trying to politically point score by not giving a shit that Trump is moving forward with this because they’d rather condemn people who are not in power and may never be in power again.
I see very little condemnation of Trump and a lot of “Genocide Joe would have done the same thing.”
And fuck the Palestinians, they’re just a tool in this from what I can tell from such people. How many “Genocide Joe” people here not bothering to condemn Trump have ever even talked to a Palestinian?
I’m not sure what you need explained here. Pretending it’s the Democrats and only the Democrats that caused Harris to lose is silly. Sure, they have culpability. So does every person who loudly and repeatedly said not to vote for “Genocide Joe” and then “Holocaust Harris.” So do people like me for not trying hard enough to keep Trump out of office.
There’s lots of blame to go around, but everyone is going “not me! Not me!”
Love that all the pearl clutchers are in this thread to say that NOW the genocide is bad, as if they’ll catch leftists in a whataboutism.
The truth is that Trump is giving the same carte blanche that Biden did to Bibi. It remains on the people of Israel to stop this conflict, as it always has. You can’t pretend the genocide is only bad when your enemy is doing it, this was the same plan under Biden. Trump just likes bragging about the cruelty, whereas Biden was smart enough to pretend to care.
Well, one candidate was bad on their economic policies. Starting off with “The economy is doing fabulously, so you poor people just need to shut up, and vote for me because you owe me your vote” policy…
Yeah… how silly to base the economy doing well on data and facts. My gut tells me it’s bad.
If the whole world is doing badly economically, but we’re doing much LESS badly, then the economy is fine. What’s NOT good is education, which is why people aren’t smart enough to see this.
Voting for the guy who campaigned on taking actions that would very obviously make it even worse for the poor people, over the guy who tried many things to further help poor people but was blocked by the opposing party in Congress, was a real big brain move of yours.
ABC is an Australian government funded media
BBC is a British government funded media
CBC is a Canadian government funded media
PBS is an American government funded media
What’s your point?
It’s not really ethnic cleansing because the last year hasn’t been that.