Genocide is the word you’re looking for
Oh I know, but one word has a much bigger social impact than the other.
Its the same difference between molested and raped. You typically see in news headers that an adult male raped a little girl, but an adult women molested a little boy. One sounds much worse than the other, yet both are the same thing
US President Donald Trump is facing widespread criticism and accusations of proposing ethnic cleansing after stating that he would like to “just clean out” Gaza and relocate its Palestinian population to neighbouring countries.
Speaking aboard Air Force One during a flight from Las Vegas to Miami on Saturday, Trump described Gaza as a “demolition site” and suggested moving its residents to Jordan and Egypt.
“I’d like Egypt to take people. I’d like Jordan to take people,” Trump said. “You’re talking about probably a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing.”
He added that the move could be either temporary or long-term, saying, “something has to happen”
To everybody who voted against Kamala Harris because she didn’t change her stance on Gaza, how does it feel to be played harder than a tenor saxophone?
You’ll often see Zionists condemn Egypt and Syria for not taking the Palestinians “oh the Palestinians are so bad that even the other Muslim countries won’t take them”. No, they just don’t want to be complicit in ethnic cleansing.
ABC is an Australian government funded media
BBC is a British government funded media
CBC is a Canadian government funded media
PBS is an American government funded media
What’s your point?