I’mma be honest, English has no business making fun of any other language. English is not a language, it’s three languages standing on eachother’s shoulders in a trenchcoat.
One Word you mentioned showed nicely what you missed here: Plain
Originally it was called an aeroplane. This could be translated with “flat thing in the air”. Which is exactly as ridiculous as your other examples in German. The difference is that Germans don’t mind complicated long words where English does so they just drop the part they don’t like.
Oh Germans do drop parts they don’t like. For example, they drop the Gute- from Gutemorgen.
Oxymoron is a funny word. Like a moron, but now improved with active oxygen for stronger cleaning!
the thing about compound words is that they become a new word and people usually don’t think about them by breaking them up so they don’t sound ridiculous. if another language has a dedicated word for it, comparing them with the direct translation of the broken up compound word makes a funny comparison.
if you’d like to break up some English compound words to see how they might sound weird or basic in other languages here are some examples:
- arm chair
- arm pit
- blue print
- cup cake
- dead line
- eye lash
- fire fighter
- fire man
- fire works
- home sick
- horse shoe
- lip stick
- make up
- news paper
- pass word
- pine apple
- pot hole
- work place
Let’s see some of them are their own words in our language. Blueprint is similar with it being combined from 2 words. Firework (fire thrower) and homesick (home sad) and newspaper (time write) are in the same boat. Pothole and workplace are 2 word phrases however. Road hole and working place.
I’m sure you can find a lot of parallels in Europe since English shares a lot with Germanic and Latin languages but what I mean is any language could easily have a single dedicated word for it and these would relatively sound funny.
for example you could imagine a language having “extinguisher” as a job title, which makes sense, but then you’d say “in English they call extinguishers ‘people who fight fire’ like they’re fucking boxing isn’t that funny”
but also I don’t know maybe it’s because I’m fascinated by language I don’t actually think it’s funny. I think sick people house makes a lot of sense. much more than hospital to be honest, which means guest house, which is more appropriate for a hotel, which shares etymology with hospital!
Theres one big difference between German and English. German allows you to just take multiple words and pack them into one word. This is a bug feature English does not have(or at least not to this extend). That’s also the reason why its sometimes very hard to translate some gean words because you have to split them up and then translate them individually.
Childless but many of my friends have kids and seeing that top panel… Just… lol.
“this is a tool, not a toy”
How many times have I heard that said, or even said it myself, to children.