Jen Sorensen: Your New Order Has Arrived
If you told me most online progressives were part of a psyop to make people more conservative I’d believe you.
No I think it’s more likely than not that there’s a small extremely dedicated group of terminally online progressives who are wholly unaware of how bad they make basically every liberal look.
Except on reddit, which is clearly astroturfed to hell from some organized group. Probably multiple.
I hope these fuckers are happy now. They got what they wanted. Or just ignored the problem and now that it’s not going away they’ve finally realized that maybe they should have voted differently. Or at all.
I hope y’all bastards suffer.
If you think they’re rethinking their choices, or are even aware of any of the problems, you are a god damn child. They live in a bubble and think things are better than ever.
USians are so racist you have to explain bad things using the words “Russian” and “Iranian” next to them. Like, you have Fox news already for half a century don’t you? What do you mean “Russian style disinformation”? You guys invented it before the Russian Federation existed lmao
At the end of the day, they’re still pathetic amerikkkan exceptionalists who think “we are better than this.”
We are not better than this, and we never have been.
Fucking pieces of shit got us where we are with their ignorance.
Fox News was founded in 1996 which we all know was only about 10 years ago.
These people have presidents swear on the bible and talk about theocracies smh
The US has only had 1 president who wasn’t Christian and that was Thomas Jefferson who thought the Bible had been adopted by to many political ideologies that tainted the better moral frameworks.
Every president after has been directly and only Christian. No Jewish, no Buddhists, no separation of church and state ever allowed.
i’M tOo LaZy To bE bOtHeReD WiTh BaSiC CiVic DuTy, So i BeLiEvE aNyOnE oNLinE wHo TeLLs Me ThAt bOTh ParTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe?
LoL_!!!_ 🤣🤣🤣
i’M sO pUrE!!! 😇🤪🤩
Millions of self-destructively lazy, stupid mediocre people shouted in unison (again):
Vote for a woman? When PIGS fly!!!
Or if Biden had remained in the race:
sLeePy JoE! LoL!
I mean you can exist in this world if you want to. It is more fun than the truth which is sad and boring.
Most people really do care and have good intentions, but are too overworked and too uneducated to pull apart the propaganda that’s being pushed to them 24/7.
The oligarchs didn’t win when Trump got elected the second time. The won when they got control over the media. That was a while back.
Stupidity and ignorance are way too widespread. It should not take a genius to figure out that trump and the GOP are pretty much against the working class. I’m not saying democrats are saints, but at least Biden tried to cancel student loan debt, and somehow that got looked at negatively??!?
You guys always manage to make the worst out of a morally questionable concept. Did it already with slavery.