What commercial purpose do non-honey bees serve??? Why should we save them???
Edit: yeesh, didn’t think that needed an /s
Viewing things from a solely commercial perspective is myopic and like most capitalistic business practitioners, promotes a mindset that thinks waaay too short term. You can’t make your money off your crops decades from when you’re only thinking about this quarters profits. Put simply, the selfish you today fucks yourself over tomorrow.
But even if you were to take this myopic and short sighted approach, Honey Bees are just average pollinators amongst a diverse range of insects and some small birds.
Additionally planting a wide variety of drought resistant flora is better for both wild as well as domesticated pollinators and is a more environmentally friendly practice than just keeping honey bees.
I offer two points for consideration:
Bees help plants maintain genetic diversity among certain plants that other pollinators may not target. Genetic diversity helps maintain a thriving variety of plant, tolerant to different environments. Especially important is our environments are changing.
Animals that are bred until they cannot survive outside of certain environments, (co-dependence) are destined to become extinct in the absence of said environment. (In case there’s any confusion, insects fall under the umbrella of “animals” taxonomically. Also, in this sentence, the codependent animals may be humans.)
Diverse populations of bees provide benefits and necessities outside of commercial purposes, and are going the way of the American Bison. (Please note the differences from the way of the dinosaur.)
If you hate wasps its because you’re a coward and deserve to be stung anyway
I don’t hate wasps, but I wish they’d realize the apple I’m eating comes from the tree right behind me, that has a thousand more for them to munch on
Okay, but like, clearly that is their apple???
I mean so are all the others.
And you are their meat if they get too hungry.
They can be important pollinators while also being tiny demons.
I’m all for symbiotic relationships, but that should also mean I get to eat an apple in peace. We literally have four apple trees in our backyard, plenty for everybody, and I let them eat whatever they want to their hearts desire.
I think they’re just nearsighted and not very smart
Open one for it. They smell the sweet delicious insides but can’t smell the skin
Apparently there are some wasps that are pollinators and also not assholes, but I don’t bother to Google which is which before murdering them. If they want to live they shouldn’t be asshole shaped.
Paper wasps are generally good pollinators and not assholes, but they have yellow striping to make them look scary.
Yellow jackets are assholes, unusually aggressive and territorial and this becomes a problem because they also tend to love human food and beverage. In my region, I would also say fuck the bald-faced hornet, which is naturally related to the yellow jacket and is similarly aggressive. Fortunately less common (I haven’t been stung by one, but apparently it’s worse than it is with a yellow jacket).
Boll’s Potter wasps (if I’m remembering their name correctly) are also common where I am and they are pretty chill and just go about pollinating. I’m sure there are a bunch of others that I haven’t yet learned to identify.
tl;dr: Yellow jackets and their relatives are assholes. The rest are mostly okay.
Fuck wasps tho
But hornets are cute. And they eat wasps
Wasps are just as important in most ecosystems. They prey on pests, are pollinators, and act as decomposers. The only species of wasp you should hate in the US is the only one that is invasive: the Asian ‘murder’ hornet.
I’m in Germany and here we have the German wasp and the Common Wasp
I hate both of them
Honey Bees and Bumble Bees are great. They’re fun to watch, and are very docile/relaxed. I will always stop to watch one, or avoid while mowing.
If you’re asking me about carpenter bees or any wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket, they can all die in a fire. Those call for scorched earth.
Edit: my most recent acquaintance :)
I recently watched a video of a bee keeper showing how his bees were kept save because he fed the wasps fermented pare. So it kept them happy and docile and really showed how some wasps species can co exist and play a part in Mother Nature which we often forget.
But mosquitoes… fuck them, they can all die.
Also, cute ass little bee photo. 🐝