Save the bumblefucks
If you hate wasps its because you’re a coward and deserve to be stung anyway
I don’t hate wasps, but I wish they’d realize the apple I’m eating comes from the tree right behind me, that has a thousand more for them to munch on
Open one for it. They smell the sweet delicious insides but can’t smell the skin
Okay, but like, clearly that is their apple???
I mean so are all the others.
And you are their meat if they get too hungry.
They can be important pollinators while also being tiny demons.
I’m all for symbiotic relationships, but that should also mean I get to eat an apple in peace. We literally have four apple trees in our backyard, plenty for everybody, and I let them eat whatever they want to their hearts desire.
I think they’re just nearsighted and not very smart
Honey Bee is not even in danger at the places where it comes from. People brought it to America and now it competes with local pollinators.
Save all bees. Except carpenter bees, which are to be terminated with extreme prejudice.
(/s obviously, I’m sure they are important to the larger ecosystem somehow)
In this thread: Animals only deserve to live if they have a direct use case to us humans. People here are not sure whats alle the fuss about mass extinction. Carry on beloved free market capitalism.