It’s so fucking stupid, Mexico is part of America.
I mean if Turkey can just decide to change it’s name and everyone has to respect it (not me Turkey it is), I don’t see why this is different
Türkiye had historical usage and precedent; “the Gulf of America” does not. Admittedly, Erdoğan was probably motivated by the same base nativist urges. But there’s something substantially different in saying “we want our nation to be called this” versus “we want to rename international territory.”
For what it’s worth, this is how Google maps has always worked. Use Google maps in China and you’ll notice that borders are in different places, HK, Tibet Bhutan, the whole China sea, those are within China’s borders. It’s the same with Russia, crimea is just part of Russia if you use Google maps in Russia. If your country recognizes different borders or different names for places, that’s what Google shows you in your country. It’s basically either that or they can’t operate in that country, so they don’t really have a choice if they want to exist in that region.
Well yeah, as of 6 years ago, after China invaded with military force, HK has been recognized as part of China on all maps. But Google showed it as part of China even before then.
And then yeah, I just remembered the wrong name, it was the border of Tibet/Bhutan that are in dispute, so parts of Bhutan display as Chinese territory.
Thanks for catching that.
HK was handed back to PRC in 1997, there was a ceremony and everything. Just because it was stolen by the British for sometime doesn’t mean it isn’t Chinese.
A border dispute between Bhutan and China isn’t something exceptional, Wikipedia has a list of border disputes your country might have some of its own
Time to stop using Google
The Left: its called an Allow List now, you racists! The Right: its called the Gulf of America, you commies!
Jesus, we’re pathetic.
Nobody calls it that though. No one who is actually left-wing thought that calling them blacklist / white list was offensive.