Hey acceleratiionists and people who Harris “wasn’t good enough” for, remember that you could’ve helped stop this shit before it even happened. Now people are going to suffer and die under this regime that you helped bring to power
Them: Don’t care, at least my eggs are cheaper…wait
Them: Don’t care, I showed America that their two party system sucks…wait
Then: Don’t care, voting doesn’t matter anyway…wait
This is such a non-issue. All the shit we could be working on, but we’re going to pick on school kids trying to figure themselves out.
‘Tell me I’m part of an in-group. That I’m great and that I belong and that nothing will change that. Then show me an out-group, and make them suffer so I can feel even better about being in the in-group.’
That is what Conservatives have been asking for. That is what they really want. And he’s giving it to them, as a thank-you for getting him into office.
See also: ‘He’s not hurting the right people!’
The bonus is this also advances the Nazi agenda.
What a nice old man.
There’s nothing unlawful about helping a trans person do their homework
No I recently heard someone say that it was a requirement by law to start being discriminatory. This was coming directed at a librarian about the fact they had books pertaining to the positivity of trans non binary … But had failed to attain any counter since libraries have to have a equal representation to a counter opinion available. And as to why the library wasn’t following the law and now removing said books from its shelves at that moment since it’s now law to be discriminatory. And yes they mentioned it being a requirement that you discriminate and report nondiscriminatory behavior i … When the fuck are we right now is this Stalin era russia?
So guys, unrelated question.
Say I have a bear that isn’t a protected species that wanders around the area. Say I’m a lot of bit nervous of this bear destroying stuff towards the edge of my property, but my property edge is pretty damn far.
What kind of equipment would I need to take care of this bear, if the agencies and law enforcement wont do anything to protect me or my vulnerable neighbors from this bear?
I’m assuming this is a sort of coded question about how to defend trans people.
But since I’m not able to decypher it here’s an honest answer to your wildlife query.
The wildlife will live as it sees fit. If you don’t want it on your property, you will need to invest in fencing. If you wish to protect yourself from the wildlife, it means avoiding confrontations and encounters, and possibly carrying pepper spray.
Encoded question? Never. It just seemed to be useful context to ask this sort of question.
See that makes me think you’re being sarcastic, there is an encoded question, and that was an encoded answer to the the answer. Also that I really do not understand trans-coded language.
Yeah honestly the best advice for encountering bears is basically “don’t”
Well, a Henry in 45-70 should handle it just swimmingly. Find someone who knows how to process the carcass first, though, they are HUGE!
That said, cops tend to dislike it when you shoot at them. Locals and ICE.