In other words, what’s an official rule or interaction between different rules in Pathfinder 2e that you think is dumb?
Creature types. Not just in reaction to the 2025 Monster Manual. I consider this a GM-facing rule, subject to by interpretation. So when a Paladin uses Divine Sense, or a Ranger uses a similar ability, or a Cleric uses Detect Evil and Good, etc., or a Ranger has a Favored Foe, or a Druid casts Speak with Animals, etc. - it’s up to me whether a creature counts as a Beast, or Evil, or extraplanar, or whatever. I go by the flavor that the design is going for, and I allow creatures two fall into more than one bucket. A dragonborn might count for some things that only apply to dragons; a fairy dragon counts as a fey and a dragon; a beholder zombie might count as undead or aberration or both depending on what the feature is trying to accomplish; a Warforged might be humanoid and construct; etc.
Recall Knowledge. If someone is going out of their way to do it, I try to round up a bit and give them something when I can. Also, I let them pick the type of info they want to learn about, like, “Does this creature seem to have high reflex”. If you don’t reward them enough, they just go back to blindly bashing, I think.
I’m also seeing if I want to add my own rules for peeking around a corner to shoot, since that’s fairly unclear in the rules how that works. RAW just seems extremely punishing to need to spend two Step actions just to lean. For now, thinking about adding a peek action that lets you view around the corner for your next action, without needing to spend any more to go back once you’re done.
Readying an action taking two actions and a reaction. I get why – Ready itself costs an action, and then you still have to pay the original action cost – but I think it’s all a step too far. I’ve increasingly tried to run my table fiction-first, and I let players ready actions of any cost for just a reaction (assuming they have the actions remaining to actually do the thing)
Readying an action costs one action and your reaction. (There are other costs, too, though, like the fact that you can’t ready some combinations of multiple attacks and bonuses that only work on your turn, or the risk of spending a spell slot without a benefit, etc.). Either way, your point definitely still stands.