Ah yes, now I remember why Trudeau was forced to resign. I almost forgot because he spent the last few weeks explaining we must stand against nations that bully their neighbours and threaten their sovereignty.
For fuck sakes.
There’s more, but this is the full quote where he tries to equivocate the term first:
“The term Zionist increasingly being tossed around as a pejorative, in spite of the fact that it simply means believing in the right of Jewish people, like all people, to determine their own future, is not normal. No one in Canada should ever be afraid to call themselves a Zionist. I am a Zionist."
What a way to leave. I guess he’s trying to bookend his, “I am a feminist” speech.
I’m all for that definition, too. But Israel can’t self-determine that they’re going to commit a genocide on their neighbors because they want to settle on their land.
As the PM facing down the 51st state threats I’d have thought he would want to expand on this statement a bit.
Zionism doesn’t mean that. What kind of twilight zone is he living in ?
Jewish people are perfectly able to determine their own future without Zionism. Zionism is the repossession of inhabited land from people who are currently living on it and create an ethno state where the Jewish religion is in control of it to the detriment of everyone else, through the use of force and murder if need be.
I’m sick and tired of this whitewashing of Zionism. It’s like when in 2015 some US groups were trying to redefine jihad as a personal struggle in life. No, it doesn’t mean that, it means death and murder through holy war.
If you call yourself a Zionist, if you are a Zionist, you agree with the murder and mistreatment of people who are guilty of existing in a land that you decided to take for yourself in the name of your god Yahweh. I know you don’t like to say his name in vain, but I think it’s important to make the name very clear here, we wouldn’t want to be unclear about whom are you killing all these children for and to whom you will answer to if it turns out you are right about his existence. The worst of humanity is being committed by Zionists for Yahweh, specifically in his name, for Zionism.
Zionism was never possitive. It is a supermasist ideology that it’s people think jews has priority over any other ethenic group that lived in the area to own the whole land. The term zionism come from zion a specific hill in jerusalem.
Early zionists leader admitted that there goal what occupation. Israel first prime minister said that after they gather army they would expand to whole palastine
OK so hear me out: ever heard of a little thing called the Two State Solution? Well, one of those two states would be …Israel, right? So anyone championing the Two State Solution, kind of by definition is a Zionist.
Zionism has come to mean more than “the Jewish people have a right to a national state in the Holy Land”. It has come to mean apartheid, occupation, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, genocide even, and other such “wonderful” words. But, you know, there is also an original meaning of the word under all that garbage. Since Jews have lived in the Holy Land since forever, they have as much a right to national self-determination as do other people in the ME like, for example, the Druze, the Assyrians, the Palestinians, the Kurds, etc. Not more, of course, so they do not have a right to Jewish Supremacy, but also no less. There is nothing special about Jews compared to other ethnic groups. Not more rights, but also not fewer rights. Same as everyone else.
PS. Free Palestine. End the Apartheid and Occupation. Israeli war criminals at the Hague.
Drawing a line on a map and saying Jews go this side and Muslims go this side is still racist as fuck.
It’s literally how we got countries like Greece, Turkey, Armenia, Serbia, Croatia, etc. Christians on this side, Muslims on that one. Orthodox on this side, Catholics on that one. Even Belgium basically become a country when the Catholics decided to secede from the Dutch Protestants. Racist (for some definition of “racism” that includes religion), sure. Special to Zionism? No.
If the Serbians of 1990 (or the Greeks of 1920, etc etc) had a superpower behind them bankrolling their every war, supporting them diplomatically, protecting them at every turn the way the US does for Israel, the situation would like pretty much the same. Again, if you contextualize it in the Balkans/Near East, Zionism is really nothing special.
It’s literally how we got countries like Greece, Turkey, Armenia, Serbia, Croatia
not really. with those countries it was through warfare during the collapse of a larger national/nation like entitiy. Israel was a mixture of a gift from the british and a betrayal of palestinians to palestinians, backed by rich people buying land from landlords who didn’t give a shit.
Then through the six day war, israel did their own warfare (supported by much more potent powers than the palestinian side), and grabbed everything they wanted, but gave it up during the ceasefire , ceding back to…
Drawing a line on a map and saying Jews go this side and Muslims go this side
Which isn’t want happened with the said countries
the Druze, the Assyrians, the Palestinians, the Kurds
Unfortunately for these poeple groups, they did not recieve the same support israel did during their territory bid/larger national/nation like entitiy’s collapse.
Big oof