Is he constipated?
What people forget is that separation of church and state is meant to protect both from each other. The mixture of Christianity with conservative politics creates an unsolvable contradiction between community and individualism that, I believe, has contributed more to the decline of Christianity in the US than the oft cited bigotry and child abuse.
When’s the last time Trump even actually got near a church? Was it the photo op during his last term where he held up the bible upside down?
Maybe the church service after inauguration when the Bishop had the audacity to make requests of him during her sermon
when the Bishop had the audacity to make requests of him during her sermon
Which no one in the picture above ever had the gall to do, right? Christians would never take advantage of having someone in the Oval Office as President of the United States to push an agenda.
I think it’s pretty much expected that if you go to a place of worship that the leader of that place may tell you “truths” that you may not want to hear, but that they feel their religious doctrine demands be said to make the world a better place (whether one disagrees or not). Hardly audacious or unheard of.
Hang on, is this a legit picture?
Yes. America has a mental illness epidemic, and it’s primarily due to Christian evangelism.
It’s an evangelical ritual where they lay hands on someone and pray for them
In their defense, if there were ever someone that Christians needed to pray for (so that they change their ways) it’d be Donald “I’m a very stable genius” Trump. Somehow I doubt that was foremost on their minds. Probably more “may You bless us and give us great blessings as we spread Your word and see Your will be done [which happens to be whatever the hell we say it is, even if it directly contradicts the Bible].”
tbf it is literally in their holy book that they will worship the anti-christ. So is it really their fault?
At least Heaven’s Gate kept to themselves. Applewhite was a repressed, self hating gay man who developed that kind of friendship damaged gay men and damaged gay women do. They didn’t proselytize in the later years, they didn’t kill others.
Trump is more a Jim Jones. Pretend to hold an ideology you don’t necessarily believe (Jones was known for being progressive on race - but was a sexual predator and one wonders what the benefit was). Once the jig is up, take everyone down with you.
What the fick is Pierce Brosnan doing there? He’s not even American.