I’m watching on cpac.
Good speech from Chrétien, considering he’s 90 years old although the people yelling “woooo!” after every other sentence should maybe calm down a bit.
NDP supporter here … but I’ve always enjoyed Chretien as a solid leader with a goofy side. It’s amazing for me because I’m indigenous and Chretien was the leading edge of wanting to remove native rights in the 70s as minister of indian affairs … but I still love the guy because he good at heart and I looked up to him in the 90s as prime minister. Lots of respect for him for leading Canada.
Saying all that though … I’m still an NDPer
The increased Liberal momentum has boosted the NDP’s chance to win my riding substantially so I’m definitely grateful for that.
Carney seems like he’s open to electoral reform so hopefully this is the last FPTP election.
Not Canadian, no dog in this race, but also in a FPTP government so yeah, fingers crossed you guys girls and everything around it get a proportional system.
Carney seems like he’s open to electoral reform
So was Trudeau. I hope you’re right, but it feels like a longshot.
I doubt he’ll support PR. The Liberal Party benefits from FPTP more than any other party. They stand the most to lose from a PR system.
Reminder of the Liberal’s record on proportional representation: “Liberals never wanted to “make every vote count.”… Electoral reform has become a bonbon offered at election. As far back as 1919, Liberals have campaigned on the promise of proportional representation”
I liked Chretien’s: “From one old guy to another, stop this nonsense!”
Calling this a landslide is underselling it - wow.
The fact that anyone voted for the finance minister of a deeply unpopular PM is more surprising to me. Freeland has a lot for gall thinking she could sign those cheques for years, then jump off the train as it’s flying off the cliff and assume the Trudeau stink wouldn’t follow her. It’s literally that the other candidates were nobodies that she ended up in second.
Insane. Now let’s see to what extent that translates to the general public.
It seems really promising. Even my mother who voted MAGA in America really likes Carney. He is absolutely swaying many conservatives with how comically overqualified he is for the position.
85.9% – that rounds to 86% not 85%
I’m so glad I donated and voted. I’ve voted liberal since Trudeau’s first run, and prior to that I voted NDP (my local NPD candidate was awesome, and I knew him through charity work – I would have voted any party to support that guy).
I’m thrilled with this news.
I don’t dislike Freeland, but she would have been a disaster. I liked her in the debate, but I hated her campaign (in an alternative universe where Trudeau never ran, she’d have been great). She can’t brush off the last 9 years of her life – she was helping steer the LPC bus, there’s no getting around that. I’m glad she drove it into a fence and forced this vote though.
Gould seemed good but I don’t think she would ever convert any Conservative voters, or even be a clear choice above NDP.
I actually loved Baylis, I thought he killed the debate doing by far the best. I would support him.