So yesterday I received a 7-day ban for ‘encouraging violence’, for saying that Luigi Mangione did not deserve to go to jail. It was obviously bullshit, somebody got a little hair-trigger on the new directive from Der Fuhrer spez or something, so I appealed. That appeal was reviewed and the temp ban lifted and the ‘offending’ comment restored, but 11 hours prior to that I got another message that I had been perma-banned for violating Reddit’s rules with my ‘other account(s)’. Well that’s also bullshit because I’ve had exactly one (1) account in the 14 years I’ve been on reddit, so I appealed that too, and thus we get to the cherry on top: I am no longer banned, I can post and such again, but they sent me the above message saying that my appeal had been denied and that the perma-ban was staying in place. But rather than linger in reddit limbo, I think I’m gonna switch permanently to lemmy. 14 years worth of curating subs will suck to redo, but oh well, life is change.
I got permabanned during the women’s March for cheering on the March posters and such. I started and admined the /keitruck sub reddit. I also had some other subreddits that weren’t as big. Keitruck is pretty small though. All that work for nothing. So I didn’t fight the ban, just moved here. Good move! Now I only go to reddit from accidentally clicking on web searches. Who knows WTF is going on.
I dumped Reddit over the weekend.
They may all go to hell, and I will go to Lemmy.
Welcome to the Fediverse! If you’ve been on Reddit for 14 years, you were attracted to what it once was. Lemmy is that, but a whole lot better, and your skills as a moderator will be highly valued here. In fact, if you are looking to start up any new communities hmu and I’ll see about giving you a hand.
Also, here’s your obligatory Saint Luigi blessing for the banned:
remember kids:
A place in heaven is reserved for those who speak truth to power
Reddit is a bot-infested hellscape. I got so mad when I learned that most AITAH posts and popular sub posts were just karma farmers preying on our attention. Lemmy seems to offer some relief. Happy to be here :)
Considering the time you were at reddit (not too different from mine), I think you’ll find Lemmy like reddit was in your earlier times there.
What I mean by that is generally more thoughtful and reasonable discussion (generally), smaller communities, more generalized (but specific stuff is accepted, so “all ttrpg is good here” vs “thats pathfinder, this is for 5e only!”, as an example.
Welcome and I hope you enjoy it here!
Also, if you come across a server you think fits better as a home base - make an account, see if it fits. You dont have to stay in one spot just because its where you made your first.