Five years after the coronavirus outbreak, many Americans say public behavior in the United States has changed for the worse, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey.
COVID, or the response to COVID, broke a lot of people’s brains.
Covid was the the grand reveal of what average americans actually are.
And 50% of average americans are self centered, hateful pieces of shit that deserve a fist shoved down their throat and a red hot rod shoved up their ass.
25% are genuinely decent people who would make any sacrifice to protect people they’ve never will, and probably never would meet.
and the remaining 25% make a big show of trying to decide between which one of these two groups of people are the actual good people. (and then, regardless of who they say or how they act, end up perfectly in line with the 50% )
I think it was the Trump presidency, which coincided with the pandemic. Every piece of shit who rightfully kept their bad behavior under wraps was shown someone rewarded with the presidency for being an absolute human crusty cum sock and decided to go mask off. Then they banded together, like a hateful, musty pile of jizz saturated teenage laundry.
100% this.
I think it had been building for years due to ever increasing numbers of people behaving badly behind pseudonyms online but the majority of asshats still maintained the illusion of not being asshats. Trump’s first ascendancy gave all those closet asshats permission to no longer care about maintaining illusions.
Japan as well. One theory is that people realized how much nicer it was to have work-life balance and not be jammed on overcrowded rush hour trains only to be forced back to it
I loved COVID so much, if people weren’t dying and people weren’t being deterred in camps (we were forcibly putting people in guarded camps like lol thats gonna be my crazy grampa story) but everything else stayed the same it would certainly be imperfect but closest we’re ever moved toward a utopia.
I mean I don’t know a lot of people actively wanted to kill others because they decided it was a fucking hoax and some of them literally went to their deathbeds while risking doctors’ and nurses’ lives via exposure to them.
Something emboldened the stupid to be monstrously pig-headed and arrogant about being stupid, and guess what, the people with an education are absolutely sick of their loser ass bullshit.
You don’t negotiate or play nice with idiots whose stupidity can and will fucking kill you and your loved ones and even the ones doling out medical care to the idiots. Nah, this is the world they asked for. Done pandering to pansies who can’t face fucking reality because it makes them feel stupid. Guess what, you are stupid. Get used to it, nimrod, or get a fucking education.
Something emboldened the stupid to be monstrously pig-headed and arrogant about being stupid, and guess what, the people with an education are absolutely sick of their loser ass bullshit.
Probably has something to do with something monstrously pig-headed and arrogant about being stupid being elected President and suffering literally zero consequences for its negative traits.
Yeah this feels exactly how the cycle keeps on continuing back and forth. And while the start may have been legitimate criticism to awful behaviour we have a society fed by social media saying there is no such thing, just idiots who disagree.
So, round and round we go. Pushing on the next insult to finally show those idiots we won’t take it anymore and now everyone is upset with everyone.
It takes more effort than I think anyone has the energy to, to be nice when you are hurting and angry. Especially when it’s easy to see and feel like they don’t deserve the energy.
Let me tell you why I’m rude.
I’m standing in line for a return at Target. This old karen with a “Grandma for Trump” shirt on walks up behind me.
I’ve been waiting for at least 10 minutes and nobody is there. I’ve got all the time in the world, the workers have seen me, all good.
Karen starts bitching to me about how the “lazy n****rs” won’t serve her here. it’s happened tons of times.
I look this old bitch in the face and say, “fuck off you racist old cunt. nobody owes you shit.”
she got all red in the face and sulked off to whatever crackden she crawled out of.
I’m rude, because of the audacity of racist white old fucks who just need to mix their meds juuuust right for the deep sleep.
if y’all racist pos are that fucking miserable, do the world a favor and fuck right off to a hole in the ground.
I think the rest of us need to realize what you probably already have; It’s easy to stay quiet because you think speaking up won’t make a difference. But your voice (online and real life) carries more weight than you realize. Speak up, don’t let these assholes exist unchallenged. Make them afraid again.