Repelling a hostile government takeov-
notices the other comment
Oh, uhh… How to write a check.
Dealing with incompetents and sociopaths working in big corporations and trying to keep sane.
Civil paperwork. Why do I have to keep track of all this shit? Just text me when I need to pay for shit.
Everything today is a grift. For example, many states have proposed sending pre-filled tax forms out lining what you owe or are owed based on known data (such as mortgage reporting and 1099s, W2s, etc.). You just sign if you agree and pay or get your refund. H&R Block and Intuit (TurboTax) do not want that to happen. They want it as complicated as possible so they can charge you for assistance.
Insurance — also a bunch of bullshit. Clinics are allowed to charge different rates to different people and the insurance is expected to negotiate it down. For example an MRI scan costs $500 out of pocket (cash paid by patient) but if you use insurance, suddenly the clinic says the cost is $1000. Meanwhile single payer systems have been shown to reduce costs and improve care. But those middle men want their money! See also the screwed up world of pharmacy benefits.
High speed rail — next to impossible in the US because airlines and car manufacturers and the trucking industry don’t want the competition.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Furnishing/decorating, you really got to think about it. Thought it would just sort of work out automatically
Processing the death of your parents and how that changes a person. And/or watching your parents cognitive abilities decline.
I wasn’t raised in a loving caring home. So it was incredibly alien to care for my parents as they got older. Helping them get dressed, taking them to appointments. Having tough conversations with them about their end-of-life wishes.