It was hard enough getting one of each card, but five? It’s completely out of reach for me.
I have 2,500+ cards
1 3 star, 1 2 star, and 2 regular EX Charizards
I don’t have a single regular Charizard or a Gardevoir for either challenges
I’m close to having them completed. I don’t open a ton of the newer packs though. I’ve been hunting Gengar EX artworks and pulling the other cards as a result. The Charizard one I got a long time ago chasing Charizard lol.
I was also going for the Gengar ex cards (mainly rainbow) at one point and was opening loads of Mewtwo packs, but I wasn’t having any luck. Do you have enough pack points saved up to just “buy” one? I decided to spend mine just now to get the last two 1-star cards I needed, because I don’t think I was going to reach 1,250 points anyway.
Apparently so. I don’t pay that much attention to pack points unless I’m deck building lol.