Not just Disney, but all movie companies that are currently remaking their classic movies and let’s be honest not many of them are good. How about instead they remake the films that flopped the first time and make them better. The second go around?
Disney doesn’t even care to make a movie that is good enough to make money.
It’s about exercising their IP of “Snow White movie” so that their copyright doesn’t expire, so that others can’t make their own “Snow White movie” even though the German fairytale Snow White by the Brothers Grimm is in the public domain.
Well, they can but they can’t use Disney Snow White’s iconic dress, and anything resembling the dwarves, for example, or anything that could possibly resemble anything that happens in the Disney movies.
Maybe I’d want to see disney remake a movie with modern ideals and values, but Disney doesn’t have ideals or values. That’s why this has taken over a decade, bastards keep scrapping it every time they get a little bit of heat. Same reason the sequel trilogy was half baked. Just leave it in the fucking oven til it’s done, stop giving the whole world a view so far from the finish line.
Well, why the hell would I drag my ass to a theater to see a retread of a movie made by the same studio, when the studio already has a bad track record with remakes?
Like maybe beauty and the beast was a solid enough standalone movie to merit a theater trip. Maybe. But even that wasn’t necessary, it was still just a retread made to keep their finger in the pie. It didn’t offer anything more than the original, unless you’re a hard core Watson fan.
The rest? Tepid at best.
Why would anyone think that this movie, with trailers that already show the cgi brings nothing interesting to the table, spend money on it?
What if… gasp, what if you’re not the target audience?!
Everyone complaining about the poor quality of Disney’s live action remakes is overlooking the main reason why Disney is making them. They’re profitable.
With the relatively low cost compared to a traditional animated movie, the ability to lean on existing IP’s, and the fact that the main audience (children) don’t typically give a shit about quality, Disney has been raking in the money with these remakes. I don’t believe they’ve had a true “flop” (where they lost money) since they started.
The Disney that made original films and stories is long dead. And why wouldn’t it be? For all the complaints about the lack of originality in Hollywood, when a studio actually risks making one, it tends to be a bust. Going to a theater is an event, and people don’t want to risk their money on an unknown story. Money talks, and unfortunately it says that remakes and bland superhero movies are what the people want.
If these types of movies were profitable, there wouldn’t be these kind of articles saying oh my god they’re losing money
what if you’re not the target audience?!
I’ll bite: who is the target audience, then? Cos it seems like they’re skipping it for the most part, too.
Parents with children.
Keep in mind, they don’t need to actually like the film, as long as they are paying to see it.
People want original stories. The recycled IP scheme is burnt out.
People want original stories.
People often say that, but box office grosses tell a different story.
I wish that were true but people go bonkers over copy pastes.
- Marvel films
- Ubisoft games
- Call of duties
- sports games
- Nintendo games
- Souls games
- Battlefields
- star wars -bethesda games
None of them are original, all of them are at best small iterations upon previous few. Majority of the people don’t seem to want something great and different. They want something safe and good-enough.
I haven’t cared about any of their live-action remakes so far, but I have to admit I’m looking forward to the Lilo & Stitch one.
EDIT: And I just looked it up and apparently Jumba and Pleakley will appear human most of the time. Never mind!