Does anybody know of any dishwasher detergent made in Canada or anywhere but the US that can be bought in the province of Quebec?
YSK that the Finish detergent sold in QC is most likely made in the US
I found in the shelves a box of the Finish brand but it didnt say where it was made, it just said “imported by Reckitt”.
Looking for information about Reckitt I found that is an European brand BUT according to this page:
“Another important manufacturing hub for Finish dishwasher detergent is in the United States. With a growing market in North America, the brand established a production facility in Chesapeake, Virginia. This U.S. manufacturing plant caters not only to domestic demand but also exports its products to other countries across the Americas.”
At the end I didnt find a Canadian detergent in powder, but I found one in tablets from a brand named “TruEarth” and another one from the “Unscented Company”. That will have to do until I can find one in powder.
Edit: Thank you all for the recommendations, I will let you know how the truearth tablets work for me and after that I will probably give a try to nellies :)
I could only find tablets
This the whole thread is the journey I am on. We used finish, so tried to switch to Tru Earth and after 10 tablets or so of not clean dishes with a layer of grease on them, we moved onto Attitude. After a few problems with our flappy door failing to open and the block being only half dissolved and the rest stuck in the hopper, we have been on a roll of clean dishes so we are hopeful. Also don’t take the clear wrapper off them.
I’ve been using the Tru Earth laundry strips for a few years and have been pretty happy.
Rather than the subscription, you can wait for a sale and get a giant box of like 300 strips for around 80 bucks and it’ll last for ages.
Stay away from Tru Earth dish tablets. We love their laundry strips but their tablets do not get our dishes clean.
Damn! I had high hopes they were good across the board. It’s so hard to find simple dishwashing powder anymore. Everyone’s fallen hard for the dissolving pod bandwagon.
As a fellow dishwasher powder cultist enjoyer this was unwelcome news as I was super happy to discover Finish was European.
But also glad you did more research. Nellie’s is outrageously expensive for a commodity product, but also I can’t go back to pods.
Great Value is obviously American, so is Cascade, and apparently Finish too fml.
Nature Clean gel might be the best option for me right now. Or suck it up and go with Nellie’s.
We use the 5 gallon Nellie’s laundry powder, works great, lasts several years.
I have a small pouch of Nellie’s dishwasher detergent, works great but we usually wash dishes by hand.