Do people believe this is real?
No? I think the other question is what the community is for? I think it’s appropriate based off the community description, although I don’t remember the last time I have seen a post that wasn’t obviously satire.
I want to assume it’s sarcasm, but honestly I’m not sure.
ITT: Commenters so eager to shit on people they miss the most obvious satire.
As someone who grew up in Ireland, we are sarcastic cunts. Hence, I always read everything as satire.
Ken Cheng is a British comedian. He likes to take the piss out of business people.
I was about to say, this guy is glazing MBA’s way too hard for this not to be a joke.
Just to be sure: This is a meme, right?
As in, not serious?
This is a guy on LinkedIn who has made minor internet celebrity out of posting cringe. He makes regular appearances on LinkedInLunatics. Not entirely sure if he’s a deranged business geek or a Dril still hoax account. But he baits enough people for it to be a moot point. Dude is definitely channeling a vibe.