Experts warn that mass federal worker firings under Trump’s government overhaul could pose major national security risks.
Thousands of laid-off workers with insider knowledge may become targets for foreign adversaries like Russia and China.
Counterespionage challenges increase as sensitive data from various agencies, including the Pentagon and Department of Energy, becomes vulnerable.
Intelligence and cybersecurity experts caution that foreign entities may exploit job-seeking ex-employees via fake job ads or consultancy offers.
The Director of National Intelligence plans to investigate leaks but has not addressed counterespionage risks directly.
I bet China will let them work from home.
Crash the economy and make people desperate to put food on the table.
Betray the American people who hold top secret information.
Mass fire everyone without warning and without consideration of their well-being.
People with top secret information sell it to foreign governments to put food on the table.
Government has shocked picachu face.
No. Fucking. Shit.
No. It could create a security breach. It DOES pose a security risk.
Journalism is just on fire lately isn’t it.
“Experts warn touching open flame to gasoline may be flammable”
People keep burning hands, have no clue why this is painful
“I think folks, that if everyone burns their hand at the same time it will overwhelm the flame“.
This is a theme that goes on and on and on.
Journalism is just pandering to this common perception , as well as the billionaires misguiding people.
American politics is weird if one thinks so hard about why this happens. Like, unsettling weird and invariably reminds me of an anthropologist observing weird stuff of a strange and far away people.