For my “convenience” and because in this way they can show ads and clickbait
“I installed malware on my computer and now the malware does what the author of the malware wants.”
Oh no. Anyway…
More like “My computer came with malware and I’m starting to realise that’s what it is” in most cases.
Ladies and gentlemen, a prime example of exactly why people don’t switch to Linux.
The loudest portion of the community are insufferable twats, and you know it’s bad because I’m an insufferable twat and I’m calling this one out on it.
Most of the Linux communities are the same.
often the content isn’t even related to Linux it’s just tirades of anger against corporations. Doesn’t even have to be Microsoft, any commercial that dares make any move in the Linux space - Canonical, red hat, oracle get derided too.
“Proposers of a piece of free and open source software, an ideology created by an anarcho-socialist software engineer, tend to lean left on the political spectrum. More news at 11…”
People like OP install obviously shit software and then whine on the Internet about how shit the software is they chose.
People like you cry about that someone points out how it’s obviously their own fault entirely.
I’m pretty sure I’m not the most insufferable twat in this thread. Not even close.
Yup, you are the insufferrable twat. You just keep proving their point. Just move on, life isn’t about “winning” imaginary internet discussions.
As someone who just wandered into this thread - yes, you are by far the most insufferable poster on this thread so far. Worse than many other vegetarians in fact.
You may not even want to hear it because you’re obviously so far up your own ass that you wouldn’t be able to but:
Most computers ship with Windows installed, maybe they didn’t “choose” anything
There are a lot of people who need to use Windows professionally, Linux is not always a viable alternative at all
People are allowed to prefer Windows for their own reasons and still complain about the shit MS pulls off without immediately being attacked for “installing malware”
Yeah, but, DAE LE WINDASS WINDOWNS BAD??! LOL LE MICRO SHIT USERS LOLOLOL XD XD EGGS DEE MI$RO$OFT IS BIL GAETS DIK JOKE. Seems perfectly welcoming to me, especially the heavy insinuation that absolutely everything is PEBKAC, even if you’re on a fresh install of something allegedly intended for mainstream - following verbatim, explicitly appropriate instructions. If you’re really lucky, someone might deign to link you an LMGTFY.
This stuff truly has helped make Desktop Linux a force to be reckoned with over the years. So much so that Year of Desktop Linux has been… pretty much every year of the past 20, I think.
On Windows, we all know it’s spackled together shit with shoe strings, spit and duct tape - probably still involving some tech out of the 70s-80s or at least tech debt from back then. We tend to not pretend it’s flawless because no software is.
Never had anything like that happen to me and I’ve got four windows 11 computers and one windows 10.
Well, congratulations, but “works on my machine” is not exactly the best argument when it comes to software.
Classic microsoft move.
Linux has gotten great over the years and keeps improving while windows gets worse and worse every day. This has been going on for many years now.
I switched already and suggest you give it a shot as well. It’s honestly much easier than windows if you know the basics and understand how things are done there.
Not every distro of Linux has gotten better, for the most part this comment is innacurate. That said, I have generally had the same experience here, but I use arch btw.
I play mosty either indy games or just older games on an older gaming laptop (geforce 1070m based HP Omen) and Steam/Linux Mint work pretty great. Outer Wilds works even better in Linux now that I’ve begun using CoreCtrl to disable CPU power throttling. Otherwise, it runs about like it did on Windows. The MCC runs flawlessly. Recently purchased No Man’s Sky and it runs pretty well and is actually incredibly smooth–no idea how that one runs in Windows because I’ve been just using Linux full-time for maybe two months now.
There is some weirdness like having to process Vulcan Shades before games boot up which can be annoying, but it hasn’t discouraged me yet. You can also skip that and the only difference is there might be a bit of stuttering for the first bit of game play. After going back to Windows to compare performance, I think it does this stuttering thing anyways?
Shader compiling is just a graphical technique. DX12 does it too. Just that, Vulkan is nice enough to tell you a bit about it, and Steam has preemptive compiling, which runs most of the compiling before running the game precisely to reduce stuttering during gameplay. If you recall when The Last of Us remake launched, a lot of people were reporting up to an hour of “Loading” time at the menu before the game was playable on first run, and some were even reporting compiling on every single run of the game just as long. That was a bug with DX12 Shader compiling and it was prominent in both consoles and Windows. It’s not a Vulkan thing, nor particular about Linux. That is just how graphically intensive games are made nowadays.
+1 for indie games. I really think we’re living in the golden age of indie gaming with tools like Godot, Unreal, and Unity (yes, yes, I know, but Unity is probably still the most popular engine for now). As indies get empowered more and more by tools like this, and AAA studios get greedier and greedier, I can’t find any reason to play anything that isn’t from an indie game developer.
And most, nearly even all indie games work great on Linux, often even better than their Windows counterparts.
Fantastic - made the jump a month ago. I don’t play FPS games. Those are the ones that have trouble running on Linux due to anti-cheast software, but the vast majority of my 600 steam games run with no issues it all - at sometimes running even better than on windows.
For example division 2 was sluggish on win11 on my Lenovo y540 (integrated GeForce whatever gaming laptop card) with 16gig of ram, now that I swapped over to Pop!_os - it doesn’t lag at all.
I mostly play single player games, but guild wars 2 2 and ff14 work great too if you are an MMO fan.
PoE works great if you want an ARPG to play.
Make the move and own your PC again.
Great, I play a lot on it and the only game I had to use windows for so far was titanfall 2 because it kept stuttering on linux and troubleshooting stutter is hard.
In my experience, much of the studdering comes from the desktop environments. If you’re using Gnome, try KDE or one of the others. If it changes then it’s probably the Compositor settings. It’s a pain but once you find the right settings, oh yeah it’s great
Mildly inconvenient at worst unless certain anti cheat software is being used. At best, you can run games on Linux that your machine may not be able to handle on windows because distros that use more resources than windows are rare. Steam on Linux has proton built into it and it just works once you set it to run through it. You might have gpu driver trouble with Nvidia but it’s a maybe issue that happens less and less.
I play Baldurs Gate 3 on it and it turned out the issues I thought might be linux related were hardware, when I fixed it it worked perfectly.
I have been a Linux gamer for the past 10 years. I haven’t booted into Windows to play a video game in 8.
When I started out, it was very much a question of “Here is the list of games that work on Linux.” You had to look for that Steam logo next to the Windows or sometimes Apple logo on the Steam page, and there are some games I would have played years earlier had that logo been there. With Proton, it has switched to “Here is a list of the games that don’t work on Linux.” Because most just do, with the very notable exception of competitive shooters, because something something anticheat.
I often hear that games actually run better on Linux than they do on Windows, except the newer whiz-bang features don’t work. Give a recent example, apparently Cyberpunk 2077 runs at a significantly higher framerate on Linux than Windows, but DLSS, HDR and RTX aren’t available.
Let me tell you the tales of two gamers on Linux:
My tale: I was disgusted with Windows 8.1, I had been learning some Linux because I wanted to use a Raspberry Pi with my ham radio stuff, so I went…why don’t I try switching? This was circa 2014. There was exactly one game in my Steam library that just could not be persuaded to run and that was Sleeping Dogs.
There have been a few games I’ve wanted to try that refused to run in some way or another; Heave Ho! by Devolver Digital…the demo ran fine, had a good time with it. Bought the game, and the UI on the player select screen didn’t work. Grow Up or Grow Home (one is a sequel to the other, I forget which it was) launched, but the character didn’t respond to any controls. Oh and Fallout: New Vegas launched one of those Windows-style autorun screens then asked me to put in the DVD. I bought it from Steam. And refunded it.
I generally avoid AAA games, I don’t play many online multiplayer games, I do play multiplayer games with friends, stuff like Stardew Valley or Unrailed, but I don’t go play with random people online, those just are not fun to me. I tend to prefer more indie stuff, more nerdy stuff, like I’ve got hundreds of hours in Factorio and Satisfactory, both work fine. I think it just so happens that I’m into games that are likely to be well supported on Linux. Antichamber, Firewatch, Hollow Knight, Return of the Obra Dinn, every Zachtronics game I’ve tried, Undertale, Subnautica, these all run great.
My cousin: had an aging Dell upgraded from Windows 7 to 10 on an “optane boosted” hard disk drive, starting to run pretty sluggish. Swapping out the hard disk and optane module for an SSD and attempting to install Win10 on bare metal just wouldn’t work, it kept throwing cryptic errors, so to get the machine to work at all I put Linux Mint on it.
She has more mainstream tastes than I do, lots of Bethesda and EA games. Funnily enough, I found that the third-party launchers were the real problem. The Sims 4 ran pretty well on Linux…Origin barely does. Minecraft support on Linux is actually worsening with time as a result of Microsoft’s involvement, but at least the Java edition does currently run.
In brief, I have observed a very stark inverse relationship between Linux compatibility of games, and the size/corporateness/evilness of the developer.
Luckily I don’t play multiplayer games online either. Losing DLSS is rough though
Have you tried Red Dead Redemption 2? I’m looking at switching over to Linux soonish.
Pretty great actually. Not as out of the box as on Windows but almost there. Firstly you get a vastly different experience depending on if you are using Steam. Since I have my entire library on Steam I can’t say anything about other stores. There’s imo 3 points where the experience still differs:
1 - you have to enable Proton as the default compatability tool, Valve has a guide for it and the setting is pretty straightforward to find.
2 - Most games just work now but a few don’t in those cases things like are an enormous help.
3 - Mods are hit and miss (Steam Workshop works fine) depending on the game, for Cyberpunk for example I had to mess with the Proton Config a bit but there were guides for it. However since we are now in a niche of a niche (modding a game running proton) you’re likely to run into unexplored territory
I switched to Linux after this sort of tricks.
They also will fuck with your “privacy and security settitings” on updates.
If you try blocking search and start pinging home. It will make windows endleally spazz which causes stuttering in games.
They forced me to switch to Linux pretty much
Thanks satya microshit…
Imagine treating a paying customer like this
People like you is why they do this shit in the first place. The entitlement of wanting products for free basically forces companies like Microsoft to become the huge advertisement pushing cunts that they are now.
Just to clarify. If you bought a device. The maker aka you paid a fee.
Person above either using water market version or pirated it but more likely got it pre installed
Either they don’t understand windows economics with that stupid “comment”
Nah, failure to enforce consumer protection and anti-trust law is why they do this shit in the first place. It doesn’t matter if you paid for it or not; even when you do pay, they exploit you anyway because they can.
They do it because of greed and the everlasting thirst of large companies to grow bigger and bigger.
They literally gave Windows 10 and 11 away for free if you had Windows 7 or 8.
Many if not most people pay for Windows in the form of licensing costs included in the price of a device, mainly laptops. Most laptops come with Windows preinstalled, and Microsoft earns with every laptop sold with Windows preinstalled. People building their own PC and getting an OEM key for cheap off of eBay or pasting a one-liner into PowerShell are the minority.
Do you really expect people to go out of their way to purchase a retail Windows license when they already have a perfectly valid and activated version of Windows preinstalled on their device?
And now that Windows 10/11 is a nice mix of adware, bloatware, nagware and spyware, do you really think it’s worth $199 (for the “Pro” version)?
It’s a business model Microsoft deliberately chose. Guess what? They were doing just fine before doing what they do now, despite of a few “software pirates”.
I’d happily pay even a subscription fee for Windows if Microsoft didn’t try to shove their crap down my throat every chance they get.
I switched to Linux when the “We’ve scheduled your free update to Windows 10!”-like popup started appearing again and again on my Win7 machine even though I disabled it. I didn’t like not having a choice and they only got worse from there. Meanwhile, you have full control over every part of a Linux system. You can even uninstall the update manager if you feel like it.
And when you feel really adventurous….
You can delete the kernel….
Everybody does it at least once, just to see. Usually it’s just to see. MS support reps still learning the power of grep …. “Where are the backups” is both a question you want to hear … and really don’t want to hear. (At the start, it says they’re… at least thorough… an hour to the end of the patch window… not so much.)
They’re getting there with windows 11… first it was ‘hey you’re compatible with windows 11’ now they’ve stepped up to a full screen non-skippable screen a big ‘upgrade to windows 11’ but still with a button to stay on windows 10 hidden in the corner. It’s only a matter of time before that button disappears.
I tried the Win11 compatibility app once, it said i wasn’t compatible due to some BIOS settings I needed to change. Nah, I’m good, and it hasn’t bugged me to upgrade since.
I’m almost glad my current hardware doesn’t support Windows 11. No matter how much it tries, it can’t force me to have different hardware.
Remove the update manager? Remove the bootloader and all kernels if you want to - you might if you’re preparing a container image, it won’t stop you. Remove glibc and init? Fine, if that’s what you want - might have no need for those if you’re prepping it up for embedded.
The price of having a computer that does exactly what it’s told is that you have to know what to tell it. But that’s well worth while.