Ages ago, I had the owner of a business I supported tell me I could remote into his computer any time that day, it would be available to me. I remoted in about 5 minutes after that call and he was amidst some fullscreen hardcore pornography. I respect that sort of move.
Pussy pics.
It was my mom’s computer.
That nobody else used.
Tonnes of CP.
Told my colleague immediately as he was at the other end of the work bench, then told my manager. They called the cops who told us to leave it alone, then immediately made their way over to confiscate the PC and take a copy of the job booking slip.
Never heard another thing about it after that. We thought we might be called as witnesses or to give statements, but nothing. The cops took a few mins with the PC when they got there, asked us to log into it and then leave the room. We figured they had enough on it and the guy probably admitted it. Never saw the customer again either, and he was a fair bit of a regular.
and he was a fair bit of a regular.
That’s the wildest part to me. You’d think if you’re into that kind of stuff you’d learn to repair your own equipment that hosts some of the most illegal content one could possess.
Asked by a mother to recover family photos from her deceased son’s laptop. Fortunately I noticed and removed the porn folders before passing over the USB stick.
The one thing I absolutely hate doing is getting inside my mom’s computer. She’s a heavy chain smoker and everything is covered in yellow tar.
I feel this. The most disgusting thing I’ve ever had to do was clean my chain-smoking parents’ house after their passing so we could put it up for sale. I can vividly imagine what the inside of a smoker’s PC must look like, just based on that experience.
Actual cp. called police right after that
And did they do anything about it or didn’t they, as the top comment mentions?